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New Features for Scholars Portal Dataverse

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Amber Leahey

Oct 4, 2016, 10:42:42 AM10/4/16
to Dataverse Users Community

Scholars Portal is pleased to announce the release of the new Scholars Portal Dataverse (!


SP Dataverse is a repository for research data collected by researchers primarily affiliated with Ontario universities (Canada). It is open to anyone in the world to deposit, and currently has 125 published Dataverses, with over 670 datasets deposited to date.


This release of SP’s Dataverse includes a French language toggle (in beta mode), offering the Dataverse interface in both official languages, English and French. DataCite Canada DOIs, OAI harvesting, extended metadata support, and more.


In addition, the new Institutional Dataverses setup allows for Ontario research data to be organized under a single-institutional view. 


Thank you to the following groups:

  • IQSS, Harvard University, for their continued development of the Dataverse Project
  • Peking University for the inspiration for the SP Dataverse splash page
  • Université de Montréal for their ongoing contribution to the Dataverse French interface and Internationalization Project 
  • Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and the OCUL Dataverse Working Group, who have provided valuable expertise and testing for this upgrade

Together, we hope to improve the Dataverse repository for Canadian researchers. All of the code will be made available openly in GitHub.


For questions or feedback about the new Scholars Portal Dataverse please contact

Mercè Crosas

Oct 4, 2016, 10:54:39 AM10/4/16
Congratulations, Scholars Portal! That's a great step forward!


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, IQSS
Harvard University

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Durand, Gustavo

Oct 4, 2016, 11:44:18 AM10/4/16
Congratulations! Looks beautiful! (Il est très beau!*) 

* would it be masculine or feminine?

As a team, we reviewed the internationalization code and have a design plan for scaling this to multiple languages. I'll be e-mailing you this week with the details (preview - metadatablock specific bundles, rather than storing in db)

We're in the process of convincing powers that be here that we need to base code to allow for a splash page as the home page. Now we have yours as another example of why this would look so great!

Again, woohoo!


Philip Durbin

Oct 7, 2016, 3:01:55 PM10/7/16
Congrats on the launch!

Amber, when you mentioned new features in your fork*, you didn't list something that appears to be called "DDI Explorer". I guess it falls under "and more." :)

I was just playing around with charting variables (screenshot attached) from this dataset and it looks pretty neat:

I got to it by clicking the "Explore" button so I guess it's sort of an alternative to TwoRavens. Very interesting!


* Hat tip to Akio for finding the commit:

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Durand, Gustavo <> wrote:
Congratulations! Looks beautiful! (Il est très beau!*) 

* would it be masculine or feminine?

As a team, we reviewed the internationalization code and have a design plan for scaling this to multiple languages. I'll be e-mailing you this week with the details (preview - metadatablock specific bundles, rather than storing in db)

We're in the process of convincing powers that be here that we need to base code to allow for a splash page as the home page. Now we have yours as another example of why this would look so great!

Again, woohoo!

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Amber Leahey <> wrote:

Scholars Portal is pleased to announce the release of the new Scholars Portal Dataverse (!


SP Dataverse is a repository for research data collected by researchers primarily affiliated with Ontario universities (Canada). It is open to anyone in the world to deposit, and currently has 125 published Dataverses, with over 670 datasets deposited to date.


This release of SP’s Dataverse includes a French language toggle (in beta mode), offering the Dataverse interface in both official languages, English and French. DataCite Canada DOIs, OAI harvesting, extended metadata support, and more.


In addition, the new Institutional Dataverses setup allows for Ontario research data to be organized under a single-institutional view. 


Thank you to the following groups:

  • IQSS, Harvard University, for their continued development of the Dataverse Project
  • Peking University for the inspiration for the SP Dataverse splash page
  • Université de Montréal for their ongoing contribution to the Dataverse French interface and Internationalization Project 
  • Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and the OCUL Dataverse Working Group, who have provided valuable expertise and testing for this upgrade

Together, we hope to improve the Dataverse repository for Canadian researchers. All of the code will be made available openly in GitHub.


For questions or feedback about the new Scholars Portal Dataverse please contact

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Jonathan Crabtree

Oct 10, 2016, 3:22:40 PM10/10/16

Odum thinks this is great and we are working to test how we can incorporate the DDI explore here too.

We are so glad to be in the 4.X community !!!


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Mercè Crosas

Oct 10, 2016, 4:22:19 PM10/10/16
Yes, this is great! We need to incorporate this new Explore option in the main Dataverse code, as part of an upcoming release.

Nice work, Amber.


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, IQSS
Harvard University

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Amber Leahey

Oct 11, 2016, 11:16:24 AM10/11/16
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks everyone! So glad you like the new features, especially the DDI Explorer addition. We have a number of ideas to improve this too, for example we noticed that the API isn't passing all the variable value labels consistently so there is room for improvement here. 

Happy to chat about this on the call today, otherwise all of the code is open and available in Github. 

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