How to migrate from Handle to DOI

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Paul Boon

Sep 30, 2019, 7:54:07 AM9/30/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi all, 

We are investigating the possibility to change the PID from Handle to DOI
What have others done in case of this change:  
What did you do with the existing datasets that have Handles
and what did you do with the handle service?

Philip Durbin

Sep 30, 2019, 9:13:52 AM9/30/19
Hi Paul,

When you use the "Mint a New DOI for a Dataset with a Handle" API endpoint[1] to call reregisterHDLToPID[2] in the admin API, the RegisterDvObjectCommand[3] is called with the "migrateHandle" boolean set to true which mints a DOI for the dataset and saves the old Handle in the "alternativepersistentidentifier" table[4].

Datasets that are migrated in this way will have a metadata field called "Previous Dataset Persistent ID"[5] such as in the attached screenshot and both the old and the new URLs will work as in the following example:

I hope this helps,


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Paul Boon

Sep 30, 2019, 10:44:42 AM9/30/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks for the extensive answere Phil, 

I think we would go for the assignment of DOI's for al the existing datasets, as Phil suggests. 
Then all datasets get this DOI, also I just tested that API call and it works on our 4.10.1 fork, great!
What we would also like is to somehow stop maintaining this handle service, if it only has a fixed set of handles all referring to those new DOI's that don't change ever. 
Is there a way to somehow 'outsource' this?

Philip Durbin

Sep 30, 2019, 5:21:43 PM9/30/19
I don't know but I would suggest asking at

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