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National Data Repository for France

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Sherry Lake

May 13, 2020, 2:43:49 PM5/13/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Anyone know about this:

There will be in France a national  repository for "long tail" research data (= for universities or fields that do not have one). InvenioRDM, DataVerse, Samvera/Hyrax/Hyku have been shortlisted and test instances of each will be installed in May on 3 servers to run user stories.

This came from the Samvera slack channel. Person was asking which instance of Samvera to demo. I wasn't very kind in my response (Sorry, well maybe not); I commented that none of the Samvera solutions make a good data repository. ;-) 

Sherry Lake

Sherry Lake

May 13, 2020, 2:46:29 PM5/13/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Forgot this part:

The  people in charge of the benchmark want 1/ a simple and ergonomic solution 2/ a project quickly in production 3/ not to have to create a fork that would be expensive to maintain.

which sounds like Dataverse to me and how UVa runs ours (simply).

Crosas, Mercè

May 13, 2020, 4:14:57 PM5/13/20
Thanks for sharing this, Sherry. I believe I had heard about that, but I don't remember the details. I'll ask more about ot to some colleagues ...

If others in the community know more, please share.


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
University Research Data Management Officer
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Harvard University

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Steven McEachern

May 14, 2020, 6:01:16 AM5/14/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi All

It may be Sciences Po. They have contacted us recently about our Restricted Access code and have been testing DV. Alina Danciu reached out to ADA about this.

There is also the DataverseEU work - Slava and Marion at DANS may know more.


Geneviève Michaud

May 14, 2020, 7:11:52 AM5/14/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi all,

It's Geneviève (Michaud) speaking. Alina (Danciu) and I are running Sciences Po's dataverse institutional repository (, and we're not involved in this project.

It may be related to a recent call for Open Science (called COSO in french here). I'll reach out to potential contacts asap, may be friends from IRD dataverse and / or CIRAD dataverse may be involved?

Hoping not to throw us all in an infinite loop ;)



Michel Bamouni

May 14, 2020, 8:08:28 AM5/14/20
to Dataverse Users Community

I'm in the working group for this study. As Geneviève said, it's the COSO (COmité Pour la Science Ouverte / Open Science Committee)  that's request this study. We are going to install the three tools Sherry mentionned above for our benchmark and we hope to have one that fit our needs.

Best regards ,


Crosas, Mercè

May 14, 2020, 8:13:01 AM5/14/20
Very interesting, Michel and Geneviève. As always, let us know if you have any questions. We enjoy and value having you as part of the Dataverse community!

Best of luck with your study,

Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
University Research Data Management Officer
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Harvard University

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