Permanently Removing Files from original Version of a Dataset

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Sherry Lake

Aug 15, 2019, 3:27:38 PM8/15/19
to Dataverse Users Community
One of our researchers uploaded and published a dataset that had a file with student names.

He removed that file and uploaded a new file without names (published version 2). How can I (as admin) remove the file from Version 1?

Even though it is not the current published version, the file is still downloadable under V1.

Sherry Lake

Durand, Gustavo

Aug 15, 2019, 3:39:52 PM8/15/19
While it's not possible to remove (and I would argue that it's relevant to keep it there in the older version as it *was* available, here are some thing you can do:

1. Simplest - deaccession the version.
2. If leaving the version is important, then in the database you can restrict the file. You would need access to the db. Find the file id and run the query: update datafile set restricted=true where id = FILE_DBID;
3. Safest: delete the file directly from the file system. While the metadata would still show, there would be no file to download.

I would say to either do (1 and 3) or (2 and 3).

Let us know if one of those options works and how it goes.


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Sherry Lake

Aug 15, 2019, 4:10:09 PM8/15/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks Gustavo.

I did 1 & 3 and it work ;-) 

Since the researcher realized immediately that he had uploaded the wrong file (not sure why he didn't realize it before clicking on publish), the content of the 1st version really wasn't important to keep.


On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 3:39:52 PM UTC-4, Gustavo Durand wrote:
While it's not possible to remove (and I would argue that it's relevant to keep it there in the older version as it *was* available, here are some thing you can do:

1. Simplest - deaccession the version.
2. If leaving the version is important, then in the database you can restrict the file. You would need access to the db. Find the file id and run the query: update datafile set restricted=true where id = FILE_DBID;
3. Safest: delete the file directly from the file system. While the metadata would still show, there would be no file to download.

I would say to either do (1 and 3) or (2 and 3).

Let us know if one of those options works and how it goes.


On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 3:27 PM Sherry Lake <> wrote:
One of our researchers uploaded and published a dataset that had a file with student names.

He removed that file and uploaded a new file without names (published version 2). How can I (as admin) remove the file from Version 1?

Even though it is not the current published version, the file is still downloadable under V1.

Sherry Lake

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