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metadata "Related Publication" not posted to Datacite

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Sylvie Cocaud

May 17, 2019, 8:08:43 AM5/17/19
to Dataverse Users Community



Unless I'm mistaken, Dataverse does not trace the "Related Publication" metadata back to DataCite (corresponding in DataCite schema to "relatedIdentifier" with the Type="IsReferencedBy" relationship). It's still annoying! Can we hope for an evolution on this point?

Thanks in advance,

Sylvie Cocaud

Danny Brooke

May 17, 2019, 10:25:57 AM5/17/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Hey Sylvie, we should definitely do a better job prioritizing this as I know this is important. There have been discussions, but let me check in with the team here and get an update.

- Danny

James Myers

May 17, 2019, 12:10:34 PM5/17/19

FWIW: We have code that does the basics of this for QDR. I’d have to dig back, but for some reason we decided that ‘IsSupplementTo’ was better than ‘IsReferencedBy’. (We also used ‘HasPart’/’IsPartOf’ to document the relationships between Datasets and files.)


I’m not sure why we didn’t make  a Pull Request for this – I think there were other discussions going on about how to map to DataCite  but we may also have delayed due to uncertainty about how the Dataverse fields were being used at other sites (e.g. since there are identifier and URL fields, it wasn’t clear whether one or both fields would be filled out, whether the identifier field might be in url form, etc. – our code handles QDR’s use cases but may not be generic enough). If there’s interest, I can make a pull request with what we have.


-- Jim

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Sebastian Karcher

May 17, 2019, 12:28:32 PM5/17/19
to Dataverse Users Community
The relevant IQSS Dataverse ticket is -- Martin Fenner's first comment quoted there is the reason we went with isSupplementTo (which I also think is clearer, at least for datasets that are clearly supplements/support of a publication). And yes, there were lots of open questions about the IQSS implementation (e.g., do authors and/or curators need to be able to specify the type of relationship) so it looked like this would take some time to figure out and we went ahead with a simple solution covering our principal use case.

On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 12:10:34 PM UTC-4, Jim Myers wrote:

FWIW: We have code that does the basics of this for QDR. I’d have to dig back, but for some reason we decided that ‘IsSupplementTo’ was better than ‘IsReferencedBy’. (We also used ‘HasPart’/’IsPartOf’ to document the relationships between Datasets and files.)


I’m not sure why we didn’t make  a Pull Request for this – I think there were other discussions going on about how to map to DataCite  but we may also have delayed due to uncertainty about how the Dataverse fields were being used at other sites (e.g. since there are identifier and URL fields, it wasn’t clear whether one or both fields would be filled out, whether the identifier field might be in url form, etc. – our code handles QDR’s use cases but may not be generic enough). If there’s interest, I can make a pull request with what we have.


-- Jim


From: [] On Behalf Of Danny Brooke
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 10:26 AM
To: Dataverse Users Community
Subject: [Dataverse-Users] Re: metadata "Related Publication" not posted to Datacite


Hey Sylvie, we should definitely do a better job prioritizing this as I know this is important. There have been discussions, but let me check in with the team here and get an update.


- Danny

On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 8:08:43 AM UTC-4, Sylvie Cocaud wrote:



Unless I'm mistaken, Dataverse does not trace the "Related Publication" metadata back to DataCite (corresponding in DataCite schema to "relatedIdentifier" with the Type="IsReferencedBy" relationship). It's still annoying! Can we hope for an evolution on this point?


Thanks in advance,


Sylvie Cocaud

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Julian Gautier

May 17, 2019, 3:33:38 PM5/17/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Sylvie, it would be awesome if you could join the conversation at the GitHub issue that Sebastian pointed out (, especially if you could write there about your use case and any preferences you have (e.g. for "IsReferencedBy"). I just met with my colleagues here at IQSS and we agreed that I'll:
  • Update that GitHub issue to refocus the conversation to just the relationships between datasets and text publications (e.g. articles)
  • Continue getting info about which relationTypes to use
  • Propose (and maybe test) something that tries to satisfy the different use cases of the repositories using Dataverse (like QDR and Repositorio de Datos del Consorcio Madroñothe two already doing this in some way)

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