Hi Philipp,
I can answer your question. The reason file-level DOIs were not migrated is because Scholars Portal has chosen not to have this feature activated. U of A decided earlier this year that it was not a priority for us to continue assigning them either and so we had also deactivated the feature in our installation before the migration. So we didn't investigate whether they could be migrated with the scripts. It's likely possible with some additional work.
This probably doesn't pertain to your question, but might be of interest to other folks: the solution we came up with for handling the approximately 2,000 existing file-level DOIs was to update the associated URL registered with DataCite via the DataCite API to point to the URL form of the DOI for its parent dataset. The DOIs of the datasets will remain active and updated, and so it should not be necessary to update the file-level DOIs again. If necessary, they could be updated via the DataCite API.
We also changed the state of these DOIs to "registered" (i.e., active, but not findable or indexed), and ultimately we will transfer ownership of these DOIs to Scholars Portal as well (we haven't finished the task yet).
This is not a perfect solution, but it was a practical option, since it means we did not need to create and maintain a tombstone page (or pages) for these DOIs, and it gets a user as close to the file as possible (files which still exist and haven't been deaccessioned). Now that all the file-level DOIs are not searchable, it is only DOIs that have been cited somewhere that will need to be dereferenced, and we think the number of files that might have been cited in this way is probably quite small, so, on balance, we think this was a reasonable solution.