I got the 404 error ,when i used the R-client to connect the harvard Dataverse. and i have no idea to solve it.
are there exist some mistakes with my scirpts?
options(dvn.user = "XXXX")
options(dvn.pwd = "XXXX")
doc <- dvServiceDoc()
meta <- dvBuildMetadata(title="My Study", creator="Doe, John")
study <- dvCreateStudy(doc, meta)
dvAddFile(study, "ittt")
> library(dvn)
> options(dvn.user = "XXXX")
> options(dvn.pwd = "XXXX")
> doc <- dvServiceDoc()
Operation failed with the following response:
404 Not Found - Harvard Dataverse
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Dataverse Project on
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Code available at
Copyright <U+00A9> 2015, The President & Fellows of Harvard College
Dataverse Support
> meta <- dvBuildMetadata(title="My Study", creator="Doe, John")
> study <- dvCreateStudy(doc, meta)
Operation failed with the following response:
404 Not Found - Harvard Dataverse
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Dataverse Project on
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Code available at
Copyright <U+00A9> 2015, The President & Fellows of Harvard College
Dataverse Support
> dvAddFile(study, "ittt")
Error in file(con, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command '"zip" -r9X "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpK8K3Kd\file1d64cfc59b2.zip" "ittt" ' had status 127
2: In file(con, "rb") :
cannot open file 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpK8K3Kd\file1d64cfc59b2.zip': No such file or directory
> dvReleaseStudy(study)
Operation failed with the following response:
404 Not Found - Harvard Dataverse
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Dataverse Project on
<U+00A0>|<U+00A0> Code available at
Copyright <U+00A9> 2015, The President & Fellows of Harvard College
Dataverse Support
Error in UseMethod("xmlAttrs", node) :
no applicable method for 'xmlAttrs' applied to an object of class "NULL"