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Philip Durbin

Jan 22, 2013, 7:35:50 PM1/22/13
I just published

I'll include the top of the readme below, but in a nutshell, this is
supposed to be an improvement over my older Vagrant setup.

The new dvn-install-demo is different in that installation is *not*
completely automated. You have to ssh into the newly-created VM to run
the installer BUT it's the official installer this time (not my forked
version) and it's DVN version 3.3, the latest and greatest.

I'm thinking the use case for dvn-install-demo could be people who are
installing a DVN for the first time. It could be a good way to
practice the installation a few times in a VM on your laptop before
you install it for real on physical hardware or a VM in your server
room (or the cloud). If nothing else, people can see expected output
from the installation script, which might be useful in itself.

Feedback is welcome of course!


## What is this?

This git repo allows you to practice installing a Dataverse Network
(DVN) on a virtual machine (VM) on your computer.

The VM will be running CentOS 6 and the following software:

- DVN 3.3
- Glassfish
- PostgreSQL 8.4.13
- OpenJDK 1.6.0

Please note that in production we do **not** recommend OpenJDK. We
recommend the official Java from Oracle. OpenJDK is used here because
it's easy to install.

## Installing dependencies

Before you can use this git repo, you need to install VirtualBox from and Vagrant from

FIXME: Right now you'll need a 64 bit "host" operating system. For
discussion of this issue, please see

## Using this git repo to practice installing a DVN

After running the commands below you should be able to log into
http://localhost:8888/dvn/ with networkAdmin/networkAdmin.

Please note that the first few commands are executed from a Mac called
"murphy" but following `vagrant ssh` the rest of the commands are
exectuted on the newly-created VM itself ("logus").

Philip Durbin
Software Developer for
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