3tb wd passport

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Heena Vora

Jul 21, 2024, 3:55:52 AM (3 days ago) Jul 21
to DataRecoveryCertification
Hi All Gurus,
I have received 3tb passport .Drive is formatted unfortunatly .when i attached it to usb it was already unlocked.I have attached log .when i read rom it says ok .but nothing there.All zero for 512kb .It given rom ver too . .Actually my idea was to get 190 mod to get T2 .So i think i should read rom thru pogo pin.I got rom now i write it to my sata unlock pcb 22 no.I get this below attached err.it does not got family .So i tried UNLOCK ROM BUT PC3K UTILITY SAYS ITS ALREADY UNLOCK OR NOT REQUIRE TO UNLOCK.So i tried again with my original USB pcb but now strange behavior taking too much time to detect .And within SATA pcb drive becomes ready with no strange behavior but unable to get access of sa or data within sata PCB.I have  original rom within usb pcb as i have only read thru pogo .SO it is untouch .NOw drive is no longer usable thru sata aswell usb .Pls help me where i am wrong or pls tell me what to do ?


Jul 21, 2024, 2:28:42 PM (3 days ago) Jul 21
to DataRecoveryCertification
Could we see your ROM dump? Just curious ...

Heads configuration..................... : by map
Heads number............................ : 0
Heads number in use..................... : 0
Switched off heads...................... : No

Heena Vora

Jul 22, 2024, 1:36:38 AM (3 days ago) Jul 22
to DataRecoveryCertification
here is the rom read by pogo


Jul 22, 2024, 8:01:37 AM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to DataRecoveryCertification
Analysing rom_1.bin ...

Searching for LDSCs and verifying PCMBlocks ...

LDSC   LDSC    Att   PCMBlock          RAM         size      PCMBlk CS
Start  ID CS        Start -  End     address     RAM / ROM    Exp/Act
-----  -- --   --   -----   -----   --------   ------ -----  ---------
    0  5A 40   04     140 -  1ED7      4B688     1D94  1D94  000BAF5B 000BAF5B OK (not digitally signed)
   20  01 11   11    1ED8 -  5F7C   30080000 c   5500  40A4    69   69   OK
   40  02 58   0C    5F7D -  6345   24000000      3C8   3C8    05   05   OK
   60  03 01   40    6346 -  BFAA   FFE00200     5C64  5C64    19   19   OK
   80  04 31   01    BFAB - 120F3          0 c   7C40  6148    49   49   OK
   A0  05 9E   01   120F4 - 12518       DFB0 c    4EC   424    F3   F3   OK
   C0  06 94   03   12519 - 14AA5      402E0 c   3020  258C    44   44   OK
   E0  07 ED   03   14AA6 - 14E7E   602B3400 c    9C0   3D8    3D   3D   OK
  100  08 F6   01   14E7F - 2BBDB   383A4A00 c  1EA30 16D5C    95   95   OK
  120  09 3B   01   2BBDC - 4E48C   38008230 c  2F44C 228B0    85   85   OK

LDSC   = PM Loader Config String (32 bytes)
ID     = ID byte of LDSC (byte #0)
CS     = Checksum byte or word
Att    = Attributes
PCMBlk = Program Code Memory Block
Exp    = Expected checksum for PCMBLock
Act    = Actual checksum for PCMBLock
c      = compressed PCMBlock
size   = size of decompressed (in RAM) and compressed (in ROM) PCMBlock in bytes

ROYL directory module 0x000B found at 0x7F19A

Active directory flag = 0x01

Identifying SA regions ...

Reg#    Reg size     Reg loc
----  ----------  ----------
0x00  0x0006352E  0x00000000
0x01  0x0006352E  0x000C8A00
0x02  0x0006352E  0x00191400
0x03  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x04  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x05  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x06  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x07  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x08  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x09  0x00000000  0x00000000

Verifying ROYL modules ...

 ID          Size (bytes)         Address    Checksum
 dir   hdr        dir       hdr
----  ----   --------  --------   --------   --------
0001  N/A    00008000  N/A        00000000             N/A
000A  OK     0000004E  00000200   0007E000   00000000  OK
000B  OK     00000129  00000200   0007F19A   00000000  OK
020B  OK     00000129  00000200   0007D19A   00000000  OK
0030  OK     00000400  OK         0007B000   00000000  OK
0047  FFFF   00000B18  01FFFE00   0007E682   FFFFFD3A  BAD
000D  OK     00000108  00000200   0007E04E   00000000  OK
004F  OK     0000052C  00000600   0007E156   00000000  OK
0181  OK     00000C00  OK         0007B400   00000000  OK

ROYL directory module 0x020B found at 0x7D19A

Active directory flag = 0x02

Identifying SA regions ...

Reg#    Reg size     Reg loc
----  ----------  ----------
0x00  0x000C6A5C  0x00000000
0x01  0x000C6A5C  0x000C8A00

Verifying ROYL modules ...

 ID          Size (bytes)         Address    Checksum
 dir   hdr        dir       hdr
----  ----   --------  --------   --------   --------
0001  N/A    00008000  N/A        000C591D             N/A
000A  OK     0000004E  00000200   0007C000   00000000  OK
000B  OK     00000129  00000200   0007F19A   00000000  OK
020B  OK     00000129  00000200   0007D19A   00000000  OK
0181  OK     00000C00  OK         0007B400   00000000  OK
0030  OK     00000400  OK         0007B000   00000000  OK
0047  OK     00000B18  00180000   0007C682   00000000  OK
000D  OK     00000108  00000200   0007C04E   00000000  OK
004F  OK     0000052C  00000600   0007C156   00000000  OK

dir  -  Module ID/Size as reported in directory module (0x20B or 0x0B)
hdr  -  Module ID/Size as reported in module's header
N/A  -  Not Applicable
BAD  -  Module has invalid checksum. This may be due to non-existent module.

ROM modules saved to Flash_00\000Bmods and Flash_00\020Bmods

Active directory is 0x20B

Analysing active 0x0A module ...

Head map checksum (Expected / Actual) = 0x0000 / 0x0000 - OK
Number of heads (physical / in use) = 10/8  
Head map #1 = 0x017F / 0b0000000101111111   <----------------------------------------------
Head map #2 = 0x03FF / 0b0000001111111111

DCM = | W | M J 6 D H 2 F
      : : : : : : : : : :
      : : : : : : : : : unknown
      : : : : : : : : top VCM
      : : : : : : : ACA
      : : : : : : bottom VCM
      : : : : : HSA
      : : : : media
      : : : preamp
      : : latch
      : base
      spindle motor

Analysing active 0x0D module ...

Firmware Version = 01.01A01
World Wide Name = 50014EE059DAB406
Model Number = WDC WD30NMZW-11GX6S1                    
Serial Number =                    

PUIS flag byte is 0x02
PUIS Disabled

Analysing active 0x4F module ...

ROM version = 0002001P

Analysing active 0x47 module ...

Preamp values
0  012E0569
1  012E0581
2  012E0573
3  00230581
4  01300569
5  0132067E
6  01300473
7  0130067E
8  00000000
9  00000000

0  0000
1  0000
2  0000
3  0000
4  0000
5  0000
6  0000
7  0000
8  0000
9  0000

Head/Media DCM = 6J

Heena Vora

Jul 22, 2024, 11:23:45 AM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to DataRecoveryCertification
So my rom is ok ? why i am not able to get sa with unlock 22 pcb ?But when i tried to connect via usb drive starts 2spins n than continuesly spinig with small breaks.And within sata it spins normally and get id in pc3k utility but no access for sa and data area .

Data Recovery Guru

Jul 22, 2024, 11:24:58 AM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to datarecovery...@googlegroups.com
Because heads are damaged likely 

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Heena Vora

Jul 22, 2024, 12:00:34 PM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to DataRecoveryCertification
no way as my drive is formatted not problematic. but after getting attached unlocked pcb with native rom some how its becomes this .

wayne horner

Jul 22, 2024, 12:26:51 PM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to datarecoveryce.
Is it sed lock? 
What about the trick of using a matching ROM from a different serial number to gain sa access. 

Heena Vora

Jul 22, 2024, 4:12:46 PM (2 days ago) Jul 22
to datarecovery...@googlegroups.com

Heena Vora

Jul 23, 2024, 12:52:07 PM (yesterday) Jul 23
to DataRecoveryCertification
finally by sa access by pin shorting and block 02 . I have take backup of hdd .In hdd edit i can see self encryption on drive is sed locked. I have attached picture . i do untick sed lock .now drive is ready with id and size also sa access .Now main thing is formatted recovery .As this drive is SMR Aswell sed lock than how do i create task ? i can see sec 0 ridable in sector edit but encrypted by using sed key search by utility it shows 55 AA .  nOW MY 2ND LEVEL TRANSLATOR IS 0 because of it is formatted drive so i need to use t2 .SO pls tell me how do i create task to get data back ?
1.tried drive ready get id with unity. read sector shows encrypted than use key to decrypt reading ok. 55 AA IS there in sec 0.
for smr formatted:
2. after reading sec use t2 in ram and than read sec sector not accessible .Power off and on load t2 in ram use utility sector edit and give use utility second level t2 from file than sector read 0/than again go to utility and than givr decrypt daata it show encrypted zero . here i have submitted 2 files to understand .Pls look in to matter as i have got for the first time SMR with SED locked . formatted .Please help . 

sector 0 without sed key and t2.PNG
after applying key search by utility.PNG
after loading t2 than use decrypt data 0 is like this ..PNG

Heena Vora

Jul 23, 2024, 12:56:06 PM (yesterday) Jul 23
to DataRecoveryCertification
Anyone want to check thru anydesk or TV i can manage tomorrow Indian time 12pm to 9pm anytime .
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