Damage rom need healp of TrailXLB

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Abdur Rahim Sopon

Jul 12, 2024, 8:56:25 AM (12 days ago) Jul 12
to DataRecoveryCertification


I have a WD 3.5 HDD with a fake sticker. PCB: 2060-771829-005 Microcode inside ROM: 0010052 Suspected family: TrailXLB

The HDD symptom is that it spins up and down. I replaced the heads, but the issue remains the same. I tested the patient HDD head with a donor HDD head, and it works fine, as my donor HDD is detected.

Can anyone help me identify the actual issue?

TrailXLB PCB 771829-005 8062.bin


Jul 12, 2024, 10:34:10 AM (12 days ago) Jul 12
to DataRecoveryCertification
The ROM is from a WD10EURX-63UY4Y0.

Analysing TrailXLB PCB 771829-005 8062.bin ...

Searching for LDSCs and verifying PCMBlocks ...

LDSC   LDSC    Att   PCMBlock          RAM         size      PCMBlk CS
Start  ID CS        Start -  End     address     RAM / ROM    Exp/Act
-----  -- --   --   -----   -----   --------   ------ -----  ---------
    0  5A E4   04     120 -  1AB7       A800     1994  1994  000A6AD2 000A6AD2 OK (not digitally signed)
   20  01 9C   0C    1AB8 -  1F38    1000000      480   480    76   76   OK
   40  02 9B   01    1F39 -  6C41          0 c   6280  4D08    38   38   OK
   60  03 D3   01    6C42 -  729A       9E1C c    7F0   658    20   20   OK
   80  04 9C   03    729B -  A5E3      402E0 c   40B8  3348    A7   A7   OK
   A0  05 6D   03    A5E4 -  A84C    8173600 c    3FC   268    94   94   OK
   C0  06 04   01    A84D - 1D019   88203200 c  18908 127CC    85   85   OK
   E0  07 2B   11   1D01A - 20C2E   80800000 c   5084  3C14    8A   8A   OK
  100  08 3B   01   20C2F - 34E43   88000230 c  1BC18 14214    6A   6A   OK

LDSC   = PM Loader Config String (32 bytes)
ID     = ID byte of LDSC (byte #0)
CS     = Checksum byte or word
Att    = Attributes
PCMBlk = Program Code Memory Block
Exp    = Expected checksum for PCMBLock
Act    = Actual checksum for PCMBLock
c      = compressed PCMBlock
size   = size of decompressed (in RAM) and compressed (in ROM) PCMBlock in bytes

ROYL directory module 0x000B found at 0x3FEE2

Active directory flag = 0x01

Identifying SA regions ...

Reg#    Reg size     Reg loc
----  ----------  ----------
0x00  0x0002F981  0x00000000
0x01  0x0002F981  0x00062700
0x02  0x0002F981  0x000C4E00
0x03  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x04  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x05  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x06  0x00000000  0x00000000
0x07  0x00000000  0x00000000

Verifying ROYL modules ...

 ID          Size (bytes)         Address    Checksum
 dir   hdr        dir       hdr
----  ----   --------  --------   --------   --------
0001  N/A    00004000  N/A        00000000             N/A
000A  OK     0000004E  00000200   0003F000   00000000  OK
000B  OK     00000119  00000200   0003FEE2   00000000  OK
020B  OK     00000119  00000200   0003EEE2   00000000  OK
0030  FFFF   00000400  01FFFE00   0003FAE2   FFFFFF00  BAD
0047  FFFF   00000600  01FFFE00   0003F4E2   FFFFFE80  BAD
000D  OK     00000094  00000200   0003F04E   00000000  OK
004F  OK     00000400  OK         0003F0E2   00000000  OK

ROYL directory module 0x020B found at 0x3EEE2

Active directory flag = 0x02

Identifying SA regions ...

Reg#    Reg size     Reg loc
----  ----------  ----------
0x00  0x8002F981  0x00000001
0x01  0x8002F981  0x00062701

Verifying ROYL modules ...

 ID          Size (bytes)         Address    Checksum
 dir   hdr        dir       hdr
----  ----   --------  --------   --------   --------
0001  N/A    00004000  N/A        0002EC9A             N/A
000A  OK     0000004E  00000200   0003E000   00000000  OK
000B  OK     00000119  00000200   0003FEE2   00000000  OK
020B  OK     00000119  00000200   0003EEE2   00000000  OK
0030  OK     00000400  OK         0003EAE2   00000000  OK
0047  OK     00000600  OK         0003E4E2   00000000  OK
000D  OK     00000094  00000200   0003E04E   00000000  OK
004F  OK     00000400  OK         0003E0E2   00000000  OK

dir  -  Module ID/Size as reported in directory module (0x20B or 0x0B)
hdr  -  Module ID/Size as reported in module's header
N/A  -  Not Applicable
BAD  -  Module has invalid checksum. This may be due to non-existent module.

ROM modules saved to Flash_00\000Bmods and Flash_00\020Bmods

Active directory is 0x20B

Analysing active 0x0A module ...

Head map checksum (Expected / Actual) = 0x0000 / 0x0000 - OK
Number of heads (physical / in use) = 2/2
Head map #1 = 0x0003 / 0b0000000000000011
Head map #2 = 0x0003 / 0b0000000000000011

DCM = | V | A Z P 8 9 A N
      : : : : : : : : : :
      : : : : : : : : : unknown
      : : : : : : : : top VCM
      : : : : : : : ACA
      : : : : : : bottom VCM
      : : : : : HSA
      : : : : media
      : : : preamp
      : : latch
      : base
      spindle motor

Analysing active 0x0D module ...

Firmware Version = 01.01A01
World Wide Name = 50014EE2B7BC864F
Model Number = WDC WD10EURX-63UY4Y0                    
Serial Number =                    

PUIS flag byte is 0x02
PUIS Disabled

Analysing active 0x4F module ...

ROM version = 00010052

Analysing active 0x47 module ...

Preamp values
0  0A38F433
1  0A38F213

0  0000
1  0000

Head/Media DCM = PZ


Jul 12, 2024, 11:07:41 AM (12 days ago) Jul 12
to DataRecoveryCertification

1.0 TB 

Abdur Rahim Sopon

Jul 12, 2024, 4:56:41 PM (12 days ago) Jul 12
to datarecovery...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for your response.

Finally, I managed to retrieve the data using PCB 800039. The HDD came to us with the wrong PCB, 771829-005


Best Regards

Abdur rahim sopon

Data Recovery expert

CompTIA A+  certified

Founder of Data Recovery BD™



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Jul 13, 2024, 12:28:51 PM (11 days ago) Jul 13
to DataRecoveryCertification
That's interesting. My searches suggest that 2060-800006 is the original PCB for WD10EURX-63UY4Y0.


Jul 13, 2024, 1:55:52 PM (11 days ago) Jul 13
to DataRecoveryCertification

PCB - 2060-800039-001 REV P1
System controller (SoC)................. : LSi TT67XXC0 0x(5520)
MCU: TT67621 TPPH0C12
Family:................................. : TresXLB2

PCB - 2060-800006-001 REV P1
System controller (SoC)................. : LSi TT67XXB1 0x(5511)
MCU:  TT6761 TNNPP213 S 

Abdur Rahim Sopon

Jul 14, 2024, 6:15:31 AM (10 days ago) Jul 14
to datarecovery...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much for your time 

Best Regards

Abdur rahim sopon

Data Recovery expert

CompTIA A+  certified

Founder of Data Recovery BD™



Data Recovery Certification Group / for issue with google group please email sc...@myharddrivedied.com
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to datarecoverycertif...@googlegroups.com.
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