Multiple hCards - a problem?

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Christian Scholz / Tao Takashi (SL)

May 17, 2008, 7:51:35 PM5/17/08

I am wondering what happens if we put a link to a profile page with
hCard format into the service catalogue and this profile page has more
than one hCards.
Like a page where on top you have your profile information but in
another section a list of your friends, each with hCard markup.

I guess this will then be a problem to choose which profile
information to use or am I missing something?
(of course I can ask the user but that rather inconvenient).

-- Christian

Christian Scholz
Tao Takashi (Second Life name)

Tech Video Blog:
IRC: MrTopf/Tao_T

Darren Bounds

May 17, 2008, 8:03:24 PM5/17/08
We asked that same question some time ago. Our conclusion was that
hCard probably wasn't the best mechanism to discover information about
the owner of a URI/Identity Page. Rather it would make more sense to
establish a new service, YADIS discoverable, and had similar
characteristics to vCard but unlike hCard was designed purely for
machine consumption (e.g. straight XML, RDF, etc). We've been playing
around with it at Beemba but it's still in refinement and lacking a
name (e.g.

I'm curious what the group thinks about this.

Darren B.


Thank you,
Darren Bounds

Julian Bond

May 18, 2008, 5:41:27 AM5/18/08
Darren Bounds <> Sat, 17 May 2008 20:03:24

>We asked that same question some time ago. Our conclusion was that
>hCard probably wasn't the best mechanism to discover information about
>the owner of a URI/Identity Page. Rather it would make more sense to
>establish a new service, YADIS discoverable, and had similar
>characteristics to vCard but unlike hCard was designed purely for
>machine consumption (e.g. straight XML, RDF, etc). We've been playing
>around with it at Beemba but it's still in refinement and lacking a
>name (e.g.
>I'm curious what the group thinks about this.

This is FOAF with the vcard namespace, isn't it? Why create another one?

Julian Bond E&MSN: julian_bond at M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173
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Christian Scholz / Tao Takashi (SL)

May 18, 2008, 7:58:26 AM5/18/08
Well, if there is no way to identify the hCard of the owner of the
page then maybe
hCard is not the way to go. Or the URL in the service catalogue needs
to point to
a HTML fragment identifier as the spec says to only parse this then.

On the FOAF side of things this seems not to be a problem as you can
put the FOAF
URL to _your_ FOAF file directly into the service catalogue and in
FOAF it's with the
VCard namespace pretty much defined.

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Julian Bond <> wrote:
> Darren Bounds <> Sat, 17 May 2008 20:03:24
>>We asked that same question some time ago. Our conclusion was that
>>hCard probably wasn't the best mechanism to discover information about
>>the owner of a URI/Identity Page. Rather it would make more sense to
>>establish a new service, YADIS discoverable, and had similar
>>characteristics to vCard but unlike hCard was designed purely for
>>machine consumption (e.g. straight XML, RDF, etc). We've been playing
>>around with it at Beemba but it's still in refinement and lacking a
>>name (e.g.
>>I'm curious what the group thinks about this.

Well, I wonder the same as Julian: Would it make sense to just use FOAF with
VCard namespace?

Darren Bounds

May 18, 2008, 8:39:07 AM5/18/08
I suppose it depends on what you hope to glean from the document. The
FOAF vocabulary has no mechanmism to define address information (e.g.
state/province, country, city, street address).

Darren B.

Christian Scholz / Tao Takashi (SL)

May 18, 2008, 8:46:49 AM5/18/08

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Darren Bounds <> wrote:
> I suppose it depends on what you hope to glean from the document. The
> FOAF vocabulary has no mechanmism to define address information (e.g.
> state/province, country, city, street address).

Well FOAF not directly but you can add the VCard namespace to it:

(which reminds me that I need to update the technical recommendation
doc to list it)

Would that solve your problem? I think the advantage is that many
people use it already and there are RDF-Parsers out there which
hopefully understand it :-)

Darren Bounds

May 18, 2008, 9:21:49 AM5/18/08
Sorry, I misread Julian's email. Yes, it would be FOAF + vCard.


Thank you,
Darren Bounds

Julian Bond

May 18, 2008, 5:33:55 PM5/18/08
Darren Bounds <> Sun, 18 May 2008 08:39:07

>I suppose it depends on what you hope to glean from the document. The
>FOAF vocabulary has no mechanmism to define address information (e.g.
>state/province, country, city, street address).

Which is why a high proportion of the FOAF out there uses the vCard
namespace for that information.

Julian Bond E&MSN: julian_bond at M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173
Webmaster: T: +44 (0)192 0412 433
Personal WebLog:

No Bits Of Pulp

Bob Ngu

May 25, 2008, 6:02:36 PM5/25/08
to DataPortability.Action.Technical
Is it RDF+VCard or FOAF+VCard?

On May 18, 2:33 pm, Julian Bond <> wrote:
> Darren Bounds <> Sun, 18 May 2008 08:39:07

Julian Bond

May 26, 2008, 2:47:34 AM5/26/08
Bob Ngu <> Sun, 25 May 2008 15:02:36

>Is it RDF+VCard or FOAF+VCard?

It's kind of like this. It's all RDF. The FOAF namespace provides the
macro structure and the most common fields. The vCard namespace and
others provide the detail. So you typically have the following

rdf, rdfs //basic RDF in XML
dc //document structure and things like document title
foaf // foaf:Person, foaf:mbox_sha1sum, etc for identifying people
foaf:knows for the simplest relationship between people
vCard // address data
geo // Lat-Long coordinates of their address
bio // CV-Resume type fields

A typical social network FOAF structure (much simplified) looks like

A document description block
A person description block about the "owner" of this data.
A long list of foaf:knows about this person's contact list each
containing at least:-
- A human readable name
- A machine readable identifier
- A link to their FOAF file.

For a fairly complex example of this see:-

In the context of using FOAF for data portability as a transport format,
I think this is what we mean by a foaf file. It's:-
- RDF in XML
- It contains at least the foaf namespace, almost certainly the vcard
namespace and probably several others.
- It has a lot of info about one person
- It has a list with a little info about everyone that person follows
with links to their file.
- There's at least one identifying property against every person

Now ultimately it's all RDF and there's a lot of RDF out there, used in
all sorts of ways. Some of it uses the FOAF namespace but would look
quite unlike what I've described above. But I think the above is the
bare minimum and the most understandable to specifically use this for
data portability. vCard on its own isn't enough. And FOAF on its own
isn't enough either.

Julian Bond E&MSN: julian_bond at M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173
Webmaster: T: +44 (0)192 0412 433
Personal WebLog:

Schrodinger's Cat For President

Darren Bounds

May 26, 2008, 9:09:14 AM5/26/08
I really think identity discovery and FOAF file belong in distinct
services. As a consumer, why should I be expected to download a 200k
FOAF document when all I'm ever interested in 5k in basic identity
FOAF files can be enormous and if they gain mass adoption, they will
be. Take your ecademy file for example. You have appoximately 620 FOAF
definitions in there. What if I had 1000? or 5000? Would the consumer
be expected to download a 1MB document every time they want to consume
updates about your identity? That's expensive and a waste.

Sure it exists today, but is it the right thing to do?


Thank you,
Darren Bounds

Julian Bond

May 26, 2008, 10:28:22 AM5/26/08
Darren Bounds <> Mon, 26 May 2008 09:09:14

>I really think identity discovery and FOAF file belong in distinct
>services. As a consumer, why should I be expected to download a 200k
>FOAF document when all I'm ever interested in 5k in basic identity
>FOAF files can be enormous and if they gain mass adoption, they will
>be. Take your ecademy file for example. You have appoximately 620 FOAF
>definitions in there. What if I had 1000? or 5000? Would the consumer
>be expected to download a 1MB document every time they want to consume
>updates about your identity? That's expensive and a waste.
>Sure it exists today, but is it the right thing to do?

One way to deal with this is to split the profile data from the contact
list data. It doesn't have to be in the same file. It's just convenient.
And that file has 1000 people in the contact list. That's relatively

When you say "Identity discovery" what are you referring to?

Julian Bond E&MSN: julian_bond at M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173
Webmaster: T: +44 (0)192 0412 433
Personal WebLog:

Always Be A Responsible Rider

Darren Bounds

May 26, 2008, 10:47:25 AM5/26/08
"Identity Discovery" being a service to allow a
machine/application/consumer to discover basic identity information
(see below) about the owner of a URI (e.g. an OpenID).

Street address
Profile image
Home/Mobile/Office phone numbers
other relatively common, universal identity artifacts

Personally, while VCard RDF exists, I'm not so sure it's as relevant
as it once was. I feel similarly about RDF and I'm not sure it should
be the foundation of everything we're trying to build.


Thank you,
Darren Bounds

Julian Bond

May 26, 2008, 2:15:12 PM5/26/08
Darren Bounds <> Mon, 26 May 2008 10:47:25

>"Identity Discovery" being a service to allow a
>machine/application/consumer to discover basic identity information
>(see below) about the owner of a URI (e.g. an OpenID).
>Street address
>Profile image
>Home/Mobile/Office phone numbers
>other relatively common, universal identity artifacts
>Personally, while VCard RDF exists, I'm not so sure it's as relevant
>as it once was. I feel similarly about RDF and I'm not sure it should
>be the foundation of everything we're trying to build.

Well it comes down to the same thing. The main use case of copying
profile data and using contact list data means that fundamentally we
need two things.
- Discovery of where those files are
- Transport of the data.

So if the main candidates are hCard/XFN in HTML and VCard/FOAF in
RDF/XML we then need 2 discovery standards for each. And there are two
main candidates for that
- <link> in the <head> section of the html
- XRDS-Simple with two Service entries.

So far so good. But now we come down to the real problem. We really need
two discovery standards.
- Here's the URL of my profile data (in format X)
- Here's the URL of my contact list data (in format y)
FOAF has one discovery standard "here's my FOAF". hCard and XFN don't
really have a discovery standard at all, at all.

Everything else is well understood and defined. Apart from actually
implementing some of this stuff, the discovery is the last missing
piece, just as it was back in Jan.

Bob Ngu

May 26, 2008, 9:47:33 PM5/26/08
to DataPortability.Action.Technical
> Personally, while VCard RDF exists, I'm not so sure it's as relevant
> as it once was. I feel similarly about RDF and I'm not sure it should
> be the foundation of everything we're trying to build.

Can you explain your reasoning for feeling this way? If not them, then
what's more relevant?

Chris Messina

Jun 20, 2008, 1:41:57 PM6/20/08
to DataPortability.Action.Technical
Did authoritative hcards ever get mentioned?

We did solve this problem quite a while ago.


On May 17, 7:51 pm, "Christian Scholz / Tao Takashi (SL)"
<> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am wondering what happens if we put a link to a profile page with
> hCard format into the service catalogue and this profile page has more
> than one hCards.
> Like a page where on top you have your profile information but in
> another section a list of your friends, each with hCard markup.
> I guess this will then be a problem to choose which profile
> information to use or am I missing something?
> (of course I can ask the user but that rather inconvenient).
> -- Christian
> --
> Christian Scholz
> Tao Takashi (Second Life name)

Julian Bond

Jun 21, 2008, 3:48:31 AM6/21/08
Chris Messina <> Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:41:57

>Did authoritative hcards ever get mentioned?

On a brief reading of the pages around that I'm properly confused. :(

The need here for data portability during signup (or later) is to get a
single URL from the user and then to use that to discover the location
1) The URL of the page containing their profile description
2) The URL of the page containing their list of contacts

And then to extract the data from those pages unambiguously. And for 2)
to be able to see identifiers that can be matched with identifiers
already held locally. Preferably without having to spider outwards to
the full profile page of each contact.

I still don't feel I understand the pattern for structuring all this
using just microformats. I can see bits and pieces in the microformat
approach that all help but I can't see an overall pattern that can be
recommended as a Best Practice.

Julian Bond E&MSN: julian_bond at M: +44 (0)77 5907 2173
Webmaster: T: +44 (0)192 0412 433
Personal WebLog:

If You Need Help, Press F1

Bob Ngu

Jun 21, 2008, 11:52:49 AM6/21/08
to DataPortability.Action.Technical
An alternate URL for representative / authoritative hCard parsing

On Jun 21, 12:48 am, Julian Bond <> wrote:
> Chris Messina <> Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:41:57

Darren Bounds

Jun 21, 2008, 6:06:33 PM6/21/08
I agree. And quite frankly, the whole "people first, machines second"
philosophy of a microformat leads me to shy away from them for this
particular use case.


Thank you,
Darren Bounds

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