Fwd: INVITATION: Personal Data Events!

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Phil Wolff

Mar 9, 2011, 1:30:22 PM3/9/11
to dataportabi...@googlegroups.com, DataPortabili...@meetup.com
Kaliya Hamlin, en route to SXSW, asked me to pass this on to the DataPortability Project. - Phil

I Invite you to participate in two main community events about the emerging Personal Data Ecosystem - IIW #12 May 3-5 and Workshop within the New Digital Economics April 7th. 

Below the invitations are are links to all activities the new Consortium that I am organizing is working on, including links to our wiki, blog, responses to government initiatives, mailing lists, podcast and more.  

Igniting the Personal Data Ecosystem Deep Dive Workshop April 7th in Palo Alto in the New Digital Economics

This event brings together three different communities focused on this area 

Telco 2.0 - a conference and analysis offering by STLPartners for the last several years and is has key forward thinking leader of that industry participating

The World Economic Forum recently released a report in this area Personal Data: An Emerging Asset Class and is promoting the event as a venue to make progress on the action items (see below)

The Internet Identity Workshop / User-Centric Identity Community focused on emerging open standards, innovative startups and open source efforts. Along with the Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium that is coming together. 

The event will be facilitated by Kaliya Hamlin (Executive Director of the Consortium) and the agenda will be made live the day of the event.  It will be a rich and deep discussion and action planning meeting about making key aspects of the ecosystem real.  

Their is a 20% discount - VIP946
Along with prices for " there are some ‘early bird’, ‘Independent Developer/Start-Up’ and ‘team’ discounts available.  See workshop & Register here http://bit.ly/pdew

Like all the events that I partner with participation is more important then your ability to pay. If you feel like you have something to contribute and can't afford it please contact me. 

The 12th Internet Identity Workshop is May 3-5 in Mountain View
This event has been at the heart of a community innovating user-centric tools for digital identity online for 6 years.  It is three days of intensive collaboration and getting things done.  The conversation at IIW over the last several years 
You can see the notes from various sessions in the last several years - http://iiw.idcommons.net/Personal_Data_Ecosystem-Notes
This year is sure to be even richer and deeper. 

We have been tracking the industry on our wiki and there are over a dozen startups in the space and over a 1/2 dozen open source projects.  You can see all of the ones we know about on our wiki http://hub.personaldataecosystem.org. 

Digital Death Day May 6th in Mountain View
What happens to your data after you die?....and other questions of online life after death is an interdisciplinary unconference to talk about the issue. 

Industry Developments

World Economic Forum Report is Released - Personal Data: The Emergence of a New Asset Class.  It paints a vision of the value and vision of user control of their own integrated data streams. 

1) Innovate around user-centricity and trust. 
2) Define global principles for using and sharing personal data.
3) Strengthen the dialogue between regulators and the private sector. 
4) Focus on interoperability and open standards.
5) Continually share knowledge. 

Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium 
Accomplishments to Date

We are producing a (almost) weekly podcast with key leaders in the industry - so far there are 8 posted online here - http://personaldataecosystem.org/category/podcast/
You can subscribe on iTunes here - http://bit.ly/pdepod

We responded to two government requests for input by the Commerce Department Green Paper on Privacy and the Federal Trade Commission Staff White Paper on Do Not Track. 

We did an analysis of all the responses to the privacy green paper - http://bit.ly/pdegreen
and are working on a similar analysis of the FTC responses. 

Kaliya Hamlin gave a speech at the Digital Privacy Forum in NYC in January. 
It is online both as text - http://bit.ly/pdeDPF
And on CSPAN - http://cs.pn/pdeCSPAN

And Andrew Keen called her the "anti-zuckerburg" in the 2nd part of the Forum online - http://cs.pn/pdeCSPAN2

We have two mailing list - one general issues and concerns - http://bit.ly/pdeGen
and one focused on technical interoperability & open standards - http://bit.ly/pdeInOp

We are aggregating key thought leaders and information from the range of blogs in the space on our blog - http://bit.ly/pdeblog
 if you have a feed we should be following let us know. 

We have a twitter account - http://www.twitter.com/personaldata 
so follow us (Kaliya's account is @identitywoman and Mary's is @maryhodder). 

We are tracking a calendar of events related to the space via a shared google calendar that appears on our blog - http://bit.ly/pdeCal
You can subscribe to it here - http://bit.ly/pdeCalS

We are tracking all the companies in the space on our wiki 
and on Kaliyas blog - http://bit.ly/pdeCos

We invite community contributions to the wiki - feel free to sign up. 

Our plans include: 
* the publishing of 4 white papers about the space
* An online community for end-users of Personal Data Store/Banking Services when we have funds to support a community. 
* Supporting the coalescing of the divers industry stake holders - both large and small around open standards and end user rights for portability and control of their integrated data. 
* Hiring a strategist in Washington to put forward the point of view articulated in our responses to the government. 

We welcome your ideas and input. 

Kaliya will be at SXSW if you want to meet up with her feel free to tweet to or e-mail her. dire...@personaldataecosystem.org

Steve Repetti

Mar 9, 2011, 2:09:06 PM3/9/11
to dataportabi...@googlegroups.com, DataPortabili...@meetup.com

Awesome!  We definitely should include this in our “personal presence” strategy!




--Steve Repetti

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