Status of the project

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Maximilien Wiktorowski

Apr 8, 2016, 4:38:37 PM4/8/16
to DataFX
Is this project still alive ?

I'm starting a new javaFX project and wonder if i'll use DataFX on it but looking at the code on bitbucket it doesn't seem to be active since 2014.

Best regards,

Codeur monsieur

Aug 23, 2016, 3:01:27 PM8/23/16
to DataFX
I am thinking the same....
dataFX seems to be dead...

Oct 30, 2016, 4:23:17 PM10/30/16
to DataFX
I also want to start a new project using DataFX, but everytime i go to, it redirect to Gluon Connect. Is it that DataFX has been replaced by Gluon Connect ?

Siddhesh Rane

Dec 4, 2016, 11:54:36 PM12/4/16
to DataFX
Although apparently this project seems to be inactive I dont think it is dead. Its just too useful too die.
The official website and point to Gluon Connect page. When I checked Gluon Connect documentation I found their functionality to be a lot similar to DataFX.
One of the members of DataFX is a co founder at Gluon. So what I think is that they are trying to merge DataFX into Gluon Connect and until that is complete they might not be able to make any public statement about it.
That's just my speculation.

Hendrik Ebbers

Feb 2, 2017, 11:51:36 AM2/2/17
to DataFX
Hi all,

I copied the DataFX sources to Github:
Currently my Plan is to start working on the current & MVC Layer of the project in near future. 

Carsten Langsdorf

Feb 11, 2017, 6:27:22 PM2/11/17
to DataFX
Hi Hendrik,

I wonder if there still is a prebuilt release of DataFX's current stable version around somewhere. Also, which version is the current stable one? It seems there wasn some confusion about this.

Furthermore, is there still some documentation available? Some sort of 'getting started' guide or similar?

Thanks in advance,

Hendrik Ebbers

Feb 16, 2017, 8:50:10 AM2/16/17
to Carsten Langsdorf, DataFX

I copied the sources to GitHub
I hope to find some time the next weeks to provide a build etc.



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Benjamin Gudehus

Feb 16, 2017, 9:08:23 AM2/16/17
to Hendrik Ebbers, Carsten Langsdorf, DataFX

which will be the next version number? AFAIK the current version number is 8.0.1. But there is also 8.0.7, which has an older release date.

I use these gradle dependencies:

// datafx data-to-gui framework.
compile "io.datafx:datafx:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:core:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:flow:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:datasources:8.0.1"

// datafx extensions.
compile "io.datafx:ejb:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:injection:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:ui:8.0.1"

// datafx samples and tutorials.
compile "io.datafx:samples:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:samples-ejb:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow1:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow2:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow3:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow4:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow5:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow6:8.0.1"
compile "io.datafx:tutorials-flow7:8.0.1"


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