Open edition

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Jan 3, 2022, 4:49:50 PM1/3/22
to Data Management - watson

The open edition conversion is substantially done. I am gradually reviewing and revising each chapter. I have done the first two chapters and should get at least one done each week from now on. I am also revising the slides as a I go along.
  • Three versions of the book are generated from one set of text files 
    • html, epub, and pdf, which can be freely viewed online or downloaded
  • There is a new web site 
  • The Instructor's manual has same account details
  • Code can be executed as part of book creation. 
    • This is done for most SQL and R code.
    • Code can be easily copied by clicking on the top right corner of a code block
  • Markdown is a simple language and this is most notable for tables.
Please let. me know of any errors, and I will correct and republish the book.

All the best for 2022.

Cheers ~ Rick 

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