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Welcome to the Q&A forum in support of users of the R package dartR.

Please read this before posting a question in dartR's google group forum (scrolldown):

  1. You have checked if your question has been asked before using the search box at the top of the google groups webpage.
  2. You have read the relevant tutorials and vignettes. You can access these in this webpage.
  3. You have read the help page of the function(s) you have problems with. You can access these by typing in the R console: help(function_name) or ?function_name
  4. You have updated R, R-studio and your packages. After updating, it is a good idea to restart your machine. You can update your packages by typing in the R console: update.packages(ask = FALSE). A nice tutorial to update R is here.
  5. You have run the function gl.compliance.check() on your genlight object to check it complies with dartR expectations and amends it if necessary.
  6. If your question is related to R or R-studio rather than dartR, you have looked for potential answers online. A good place to start is here.
  7. You have read the relevant scientific literature if your question is related to methodology, theory, results interpretation, etc.  

When posting a question in dartR's google group forum provide a minimal reproducible example that allows others to exactly reproduce your issue on their machines. This example consists of the following items:

  1. A minimal dataset necessary to demonstrate the problem. You can use the datasets included with dartR; SNP data: platypus.gl, bandicoot.gl, possums.gl, testset.gl and presence/absence data: testset.gs.
  2. The minimal runnable code necessary to reproduce the issue, which can be run on the given dataset.
  3. All necessary information on the used libraries, the R version, and the OS it is run on. You can obtain this information by typing in the R console: sessionInfo()

See more tips here.

After posting a question in dartR's google group forum:

  1. Check your junk mail regularly because it is common that mails from google groups end there.  
  2. Contribute to the forum if you know the solution to a user question or can provide any help.