Hi. I am working on improving the AMOVA analysis. Developers from adegenet suggested me to contact you. I have my genlight object but when I try to run the AMOVA I have the error(I am using a genind object).
strata_df <- data.frame(other(geni)) # Create a data frame from the list.
Starting gl.read.dart
Starting utils.read.dart
Topskip not provided. Setting topskip to 6 .
Reading in the SNP data
Detected 2 row format.
Added the following locus metrics:
AlleleID AlleleSequence TrimmedSequence Chrom_Bacterias_NCBI ChromPos_Bacterias_NCBI AlnCnt_Bacterias_NCBI AlnEvalue_Bacterias_NCBI SNP SnpPosition CallRate OneRatioRef OneRatioSnp FreqHomRef FreqHomSnp FreqHets PICRef PICSnp AvgPIC AvgCountRef AvgCountSnp RepAvg .
Number of rows per clone (should be only 2 s): 2
Recognised: 198 individuals and 86911 SNPs in a 2 row format using YFT2.csv
Completed: utils.read.dart
Starting utils.dart2genlight
Starting conversion....
Format is 2 rows.
Please note conversion of bigger data sets will take some time!
Once finished, we recommend to save the object using save(object, file="object.rdata")
Adding individual metrics: meta2.csv .
Ids for individual metadata (at least a subset of) are matching!
Found 198 matching ids out of 198 ids provided in the ind.metadata file.
Added population assignments.
Added latlon data
Added id to the other$ind.metrics slot.
Added pop to the other$ind.metrics slot.
Added lat to the other$ind.metrics slot.
Added lon to the other$ind.metrics slot.
Completed: utils.dart2genlight
Data read in. Please check carefully the output above
Read depth calculated and added to the locus metrics
Minor Allele Frequency (MAF) calculated and added to the locus metrics
Recalculating locus metrics provided by DArT (optionally specified)
Completed: gl.read.dart
Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 86911, 198, 1
I am following the adegenet tutorial but l dont have data in my strata.
I will be extremely grateful if you could help me with this issue, as I have been trying to solve it for quite a few days already.
setwd("C:/Users/User/Desktop/Laia/Desktop/YFT/YFT-Ecuador-Laia update/YFT-Ecuador-Laia")
gl <- gl.read.dart(filename = "YFT2.csv", ind.metafile = "meta2.csv")
geni <- gl2gi(gl, probar=FALSE, verbose = NULL)
genclone <- poppr::as.genclone(geni)
strata(Aeut) <- data.frame(other(Aeut)$population)
Aeut <- Aeut
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