Re: Hi everyone

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Bernhard Pichler

Jul 23, 2012, 10:49:56 AM7/23/12
Nice work! One thing i noticed and maybe it's interesting for you - i don't think that you should have 4 layers of different canvas elements. Often it's a good idea to split the background (static content that doesn't change very often) and the foreground (dynamic content that change all the time). You should do some performance tests, but i think 4 layers is to much.

Here is an example: This game uses 2 Canvas elements - the background is painted only once because it never changes, the foreground is cleared on every frame and all the elements are repainted. 

You get a big PLUS ONE for this:
"I have tried various JavaScript patterns to mimic OOP but this is why I'm so eager to play with Dart."

Keep up your good work,

On Monday, July 23, 2012 4:34:57 PM UTC+2, Jacob Deichert wrote:
I've been working on a small game in my spare time this summer. It's called Castles (for now at least) and you can check it out here...

I'm 18 and have been coding for about 4 years now, starting out with website design was how I got interested and then into JavaScript, along with Java in my high school CS class.
Java has been my only real introduction to OOP. I have tried various JavaScript patterns to mimic OOP but this is why I'm so eager to play with Dart. 

In September I'm starting my first year of Game Programming at a college up here in Canada. Probably the biggest thing that I need to improve upon is how I separate my code in different files. I'm still fairly new to OOP languages and if anyone actually looks at my code and has any tips, tricks, or criticism - all is appreciated. Also any resources that provide information on organizing Dart code would be awesome!

Glad to join this group, this will be a great place to go to for Dart discussion! 
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