Hi Dominic,
I'm sorry to bother you again but I think I found a weird bug in
dartbox2d 0.1.1 with vector_math but I admit it's hard to reproduce.
The first thing is that objects freeze in the air. You can see it on
this screenshot http://goo.gl/glbU6 or try
https://dartbox2d.googlecode.com/git/demos.html?demo=DominoTest. On my
OS X 10.7, Chrome 25 and Firefox 19.0.2 it always ends like this with
two planes in the air. What is weird is that objects that don't move
are grey, while these two are red so it looks like they are somehow
The second problem is that objects somehow overlap each other. I
wasn't able to make some reliable demo that would reproduce this
problem but you can see it on these two screenshot from the game I
sent you last time. http://goo.gl/vhN9H and http://goo.gl/zWvkB. It
looks like objects are unable to recover properly from collisions.
Maybe the two problems are somehow related but unfortunately I don't
have such knowladge of physics engines to figure out what's wrong by
I uploaded new version of my game to
If you mess with the boxes a little I think you'll come across both
problems that I described above.
The old version based on dartbox2d 0.0.7 is still available here
http://martinsikora.com/physics-after-dart/web/index.html and these
problems never happen there.
I thought the problem might in the way I drag boxes because I just
give them velocity but it worked correctly in dartbox2d 0.0.7.
I tried to use the latest vector_math 0.9.7 and waited for Dart SDK
0.4.2 because I thought the problem might be somewhere there but it
didn't help. Also I looked at changes that you made in dartbox2d since
0.0.7 but I didn't see anything suspicious.
I'm sorry I can't provide any better information.
Best regards,
Martin Sikora
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Dominic Hamon <dom...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin
> Thanks for using it, and thanks for the link. It's really slick, very nicely
> done.
> The closest I have to a changelog is the list of commits
> https://code.google.com/p/dartbox2d/source/list, though I also tag every
> version in the repository to make it a little easier to see what's changed.
> Most of the recent updates have been maintenance just keeping up with SDK
> changes. If you come across any bugs or have any suggestions, I'm happy to
> hear them.
> Thanks again!
> Dominic Hamon | Google
> There are no bad ideas; only good ideas that go horribly wrong.
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Martin Sikora
> <martin.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Dominic,
>> my name is Martin and I want to thank you for making dartbox2d!
>> I used it last month in a hackathon in Prague to make a simple puzzle
>> game called Physics After Dart. You can try live demo here
>> http://martinsikora.com/physics-after-dart/web/index.html or see
>> source codes on github
>> https://github.com/martinsik/physics-after-dart. I didn't win anything
>> but it was fun :).
>> I wanted to ask you if you keep some change log so I can easily see
>> what's new in new versions and also to be able to refactor my own code
>> to reflect your changes. I saw that you started using vector_math
>> library which is great! I want to make some simple tutorials on how to
>> use dartbox2d and put them on my blog and change log would help me a
>> lot to keep it uptodate.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin Sikora