Do you have project milestone

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May 18, 2009, 12:04:26 AM5/18/09
to DAO Fusion
Hi DAO Fusion Dev,

Nowadays generic dao become more popular after people using DAO have
read this article
(I see that many people refer to this link) ,
although DAO Fusion Dev team may get the idea from their experience.
However generic dao pattern
make DAO more useful than I've ever thought because it reduces many
lines of code. I found many generic dao
implementation on Google search result. I like two of them Hades and
DAO Fusion. Though DAO Fusion
has just released in a few day but seem like it will be grow up in

The following is my feedback: I'm waiting for the tutorial and example
of DAO Fusion. In fact I can't wait for it.
So to relieve my passion, may you please me by adding project
milestone for everything
(core library and example) in the website (It just only my desire you
can ignore it if it make you
feel uncomfortable I will not hate you :-) ) In someday in the near
future I'd like to participate in this project.

Sorry for my English and may be including strange sentence and style
of writing.

Best Regards,
Hussachai Puripunpinyo (Hus)

May 18, 2009, 10:51:21 AM5/18/09
to DAO Fusion
Hi Hussachai,

thank you for your comments and feedback on our project! The link to
"Don't repeat the DAO!" article you have sent is indeed very popular
and describes the DAO pattern philosophy quite well. From my point of
view, however, using named queries (finder methods) in conjunction
with AOP proxy magic is quite tricky since you usually end up with SQL/
HQL (which is unmanageable and inefficient in long term development).
If you have a complex domain model, making persistent entity changes
requires you to update all affected named queries, so you can imagine
why an object-oriented criteria API is very important :)

We hope that DAO Fusion "grows up" soon too, but in fact it's very
stable and usable also now, so you might give it a try and tell us
what you think. You are absolutely right that DAO Fusion misses a step-
by-step tutorial and a sample application - we promise that these will
be available in a week or so. We will also add the official roadmap as
well, since we need to define requirements for upcoming DAO Fusion
1.2.0 release.

Currently, our roadmap for 1.2.x looks roughly like this:

Milestone 1: very near future (week or so)
- project roadmap as separate page
- step-by-step tutorial for creating sample DAO layer
- sample application(s) -- we are considering several possibilities,
from simple servlet app to full-blown Spring/GWT app

Milestone 2: near future (several weeks)
- not-too-technical project overview (main concepts, usage benefits,

Milestone 3: around July
- bitemporal pattern support (see
for more info)
- any issues that come up until release, either from the issue tracker
or from this discussion group
- RELEASE of 1.2.0 (1.2.x branch)

So please stay tuned, tutorials and sample app are on the way,
meanwhile you might want to check out our reference documentation. Any
participation on project is highly appreciated, if you find any bugs
or have simply questions post them here on this group.

Best regards,

On May 18, 6:04 am, "" <> wrote:
> Hi DAO Fusion Dev,
> Nowadays generic dao become more popular after people using DAO have
> read this article

May 20, 2009, 3:51:24 AM5/20/09
to DAO Fusion
Yesterday we have started working on a "Hello, DAO" sample
application. Back-end is placed in a standard Java EE servlet
environment with JPA, Hibernate, SLF4J and H2 database (we decided to
exclude Spring for now). Front-end will use SmartClient GWT library
( so that we can focus on
application logic instead of thinking about presentation technology

> - bitemporal pattern support (see
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