Going Pro - How to Secure a Spot on a Professional Dance Team

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josh king

Mar 26, 2009, 9:52:57 PM3/26/09
to dancejag

When it comes to dancing and cheerleading, going pro is a big deal.
After years of training and dedication, being accepted on a
professional dancing or cheering association is the best reward for
all your hard work and effort. Unfortunately, not every dancer will
wind up with a spot on the team of their dreams. Simply trying out
doesn't guarantee you have what it takes. The key to a successful
audition is standing out from the rest. At the end of the day when
it's time to make the final cut, you want the judges to remember your
face, and in a positive way. Put on your dance shoes and go pro with
this great audition and try out tips.

Get Some Rest
You may be wondering why this is the very first tip for those who want
to make a career out of their passion for dancing and cheering. Even
the best candidate for the team will perform poorly if they are not
well rested. The day before try outs, make sure you get enough sleep.
The last thing you want for your 5 minutes of fame is to look tired
and worn out. Wait till you've made the team to start celebrating.
Eat Right
Eating right ranks right up there with getting a good nights sleep.
The food you eat will be reflected in you're appearance as well as
your actions. Eating a lot of junk food will leave you're body tired,
bloated, and less than ready for the best. Once you've secured an
audition time, start making sure your diet is something you could be
proud of. Stock pile your fridge with fruit and veggies, whole grains,
lean meats, and tons of water. Following a healthy diet will have you
looking and feeling your best.
Before you think about leaving your home for tryouts, make sure you're
primped and groomed better than you ever have. While they will be
looking for skill, there is no doubt that when it comes to
professional dance and cheer teams, looks matter. Some individuals
even suggest getting your hair and makeup styled professionally.
Looking the part is often half the battle, so get put on the makeup,
polish those nails, tan, and get your hair styled. Make sure whatever
hair style and makeup you choose can handle the physical exertion you
will need to put out during tryouts.
Do Your Homework
Find out what will be included in the try out and be sure to practice
and brush up on those skills. Being ill prepared will not only
decrease your chances at getting one step closer to your dreams, but
it will also automatically look bad regardless of how well you
perform. Judges want to see a girl thats ready to take the stage and
knows what is needed from her, not someone who just rolled out of bed
in time for try outs without a care in the world.
Be Confident
As with anything in life, confidence is key to getting the spot you
want. Judges will choose girls who can work a crowd and in order to do
that you need to be confident in your self. Smile and take center
stage like you belong there. Never waver. If you do miss a step or
word during your performance go on without a second thought. Don't let
a small mistake ruin your performance. Stand tall and cheer with
purpose and you should have no problem showing the panel just how
important you can be to their team.
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