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Instructions On Seducing Single Women While Slow - Dancing

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gloria reid

May 11, 2009, 10:18:07 PM5/11/09
to dancejag

This week I am going to discuss how to seduce single women while slow-
dancing. You do know how to slow-dance don't you? If not you had
better learn because this is a good way to get close to a woman and
put your moves on her. Here's how:
With the touch in slow-dancing, the left hand in her hand, you finger
her fingers. With your right hand on her back, you caress her back by
going up and down. You wait for her reactions. If there is no
resistance, you continue, but this time, with your right hand, you go
lower until you are touching the top of her butt. Now, she might take
her hand and lift your hand up, but continue to do it about 15 seconds
later (it's better if you can do this with the same song).
If she does it again, you just give a little laugh, and continue
return to the original position, but very slowly. Unless she makes it
clear, otherwise, you can break down her resistance. If she is firm in
this, only then do you stop.
However, with your left hand, you can continue to caress her fingers.
She normally will not say anything about this, as you are not touching
her private parts. You should also have your cheek next to her ear (if
she is tall enough), and gently move your head while rubbing her ear.
On the dance floor, don't talk. Dancing, as some have said, is the
next thing to sex. This is a time for a different kind of
communication, so save your talking when you are at your seats (even
then, guys, don't say too much or you talk yourself right out of
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