Let's network on FaceBook!

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Noel Gama

Jul 9, 2009, 11:14:28 AM7/9/09
to Daman Global
Hi Damanenses,

I've found a lot of fellow Damanenses on FaceBook (www.facebook.com) -
it's a great place!

Why not go and open an account there - it's free:) and while there,
join the two new groups I've opened:

1. "Discover Damao in Daman"

2. "World Daman Day 2009"

There's also the 'Calendar' feature - checkup 20th August on my home
page (just type, 'Noel Gama' into the search box) - there's an invite
for the forthcoming WDD-09 worldwide party and Damanenses have started
confirming their attendance!

See you face-to-face on FaceBook,

Noel Gama
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