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Marc Bowes

Oct 28, 2011, 2:17:53 AM10/28/11
to daemo...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

Unless there are any objections, I'll be releasing this weekend with the fixes described below. This is a bugfix release focused around Capistrano deployment (which is currently broken if you rely on the built-in Capistrano recipe as it does not activate Bundler on the server) and the ::MQ namespace deprecation.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Marc Bowes <marc...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kenneth,

Can we get a release of DK at some point please? Specifically, I need the fixes that are in the git repo only. This means that all projects I have dependent need to use :git => in their Gemfile which adds noise to deployments. Furthermore, DK as it stands doesn't build cleanly because of Rubygems validation errors [1]. Safely is also not a listed dependency [2].

$ git clone git://github.com/kennethkalmer/daemon-kit
$ cd daemon-kit 
$ git rev-parse HEAD

$ gem build daemon-kit.gemspec 
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::InvalidSpecificationException)
    ["lib/daemon_kit/error_handlers/base.rb", "lib/daemon_kit/error_handlers/hoptoad.rb", "lib/daemon_kit/safety.rb", "spec/error_handlers_spec.rb"] are not files

$ git grep require|grep safely
lib/daemon_kit/initializer.rb:require 'safely'
$ grep safely daemon-kit.gemspec|wc -l

I can add pull requests to fix all these issues, provided you're OK with pushing out a release for this? The fixes in git vs the latest gem release are critical for me (specifically around AMQP and Bundler). There are a number of issues on the GH tracker which relate to this but they all seem to be tackling larger issues. I think just adding in the missing dependency and cleaning up the manifest is good enough for a point release.


Marc Bowes

Oct 30, 2011, 1:31:13 PM10/30/11
to daemo...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

As threatened, I have released daemon-kit (& safely 0.3.1). The notable changes are:
  1. Daemon-Kit no longer generates references to the deprecated ::MQ namespace
  2. Daemon-Kit's bag-of-Capistrano-tricks properly activates Bundler when deploying
  3. Safely uses Ruby's $! to find the exception that broke your program (when writing out the backtrace)
  4. Both projects now use Bundler (instead of Jeweler)
To validate this, I generated a new project and deployed it to my localhost using Capistrano. It started. You can duplicate this by:

daemon-kit app -d capistrano
cd app; git init .; git add .; git commit -m "initial commit"
In config/deploy.rb, add set :daemon_env, "production" and optionally include the rvm integration. Change your repository:
set :repository, "#{ENV["user"]}@localhost:#{File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__)}/.git"

Follow this up with 'cap deploy:#{setup,cold}' and things should be happy. Don't forget to kill the process :-)
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