d3js voronoi Map for india

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Prashant Kumar

Nov 16, 2015, 6:54:48 AM11/16/15
to d3-js

I want to make a maps of India similar to this example. I have polygon coordinates of India and I can project map of india, but how can I load this csv data to maps and make look like the demo.

I have a csv file that looks like that:

Name,   Latitude,   Longitude

Data-5538,  27.471267,  94.913609

Data-5538,  27.477969,  94.952577

Data-5538,  27.494111,  94.933865

Data-5538,  27.449333,  94.889062


Nov 20, 2015, 1:15:56 PM11/20/15
to d3-js

Here's an example D3 map of India that you may be able to draw from: http://bl.ocks.org/JohnCoogan/1531818. It is possible to use the shapes in this example, and merge this with the example you referenced that has the voronoi overlay. However, the data you have doesn't have any connections between the points, and it also doesn't have any quantitative values associated to each point, so the map you will end up with only requires drawing circles that are all the same size, with no voronoi overlay

If you post a block on bl.ocks.org with your progress so far (with the map of India and the data file), it would be easier for folks to help you plot the points on the map.

Best regards,
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