D28S | Seamonkey Updates Week 16 ・゚✧

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Feliza Cunanan

Sep 22, 2020, 12:37:02 AM9/22/20
to Division 28 South Seamonkeys OFFICERS, d28sad...@googlegroups.com, d28...@googlegroups.com, d28ssea...@googlegroups.com
Aloha, Seamonkeys!

This email is being sent by the 2020-21 Division 28 South Lieutenant Governor, Feliza Cunanan.

I hope you are doing well! We are currently five weeks into the school year and man, it's been stressful. Make sure to constantly take breaks into your day to avoid feeling burnt out! Also, check out our Instagram to receive the latest updates!
* Please continue to invite me to your virtual meetings! I had a lovely time at Desert Oasis', Durango's, Ed W. Clark's, and Southwest CTA's meetings these past few weeks!

The following topics will be discussed in this email (highlighted information is new or updated):
  • September DCM
  • Freshman Q&A + Sticker Giveaway
  • Mario Ka-RTC Registration + Membership Meter
  • Member Recognition Program Webinar Recap
  • YOF Grant
  • Miss-Flo-Cal Sistrict
  • Join the Hive Overlays
  • Spotlight on Service: Serve-tember
  • Innocence Project

September DCM
Seamonkeys, are you ready to dive into the Minecraft World? Come join us at our Minecraft September DCM. Here, you will learn more about charities and get the scoop of RTC. Also, your Executive Assistant and one of the presidents have a surprise for you guys at the end.
When: TOMORROW, September 22nd
Time: 5-6 PM
Where: Hangouts Meet
* You should have been emailed a link already. Reminders will be sent tomorrow along with the agenda.

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Freshman Q&A + Sticker Giveaway
Know someone who is new to Key Club? Are they still confused about what Key Club is? Want to know the benefits of joining, type of involvement Key Club will offer during quarantine, or simply why are called Seamonkeys?

Well... all of those questions will be answered at the Q&A session with the Lieutenant Governor, Feliza, and her Division Leadership Team. Freshman and new members are welcomed to join!
* We only have 19 people signed up... Make sure to continue recruiting people to come to join us!

Time: 3-4 PM
Where: Google Meet

The link will close on Saturday, September 25th at 6 PM. The link will be emailed the day of the meet. Make sure to sign up!
* Advisors/Chaperones, please fill out the form as well so I can confirm your attendance.

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Also, take part in our giveaway! We are releasing Seamonkey Merchandise. All you have to do is recruit and tag 3 NON-KEY CLUBBERS and explain why you joined Key Club on our Instagram!

Mario Ka-RTC Registration + Membership Meter
Join us at Regional Training Conference! We will train YOU along with other Key Clubbers across LAS VEGAS about service and leadership! Learn more about what is Key Club and we have to offer, participated in a service project, and fun-filled activities throughout the day.

When: Saturday, October 24th
Time: 10 am - 2pm
Where: Google Meets
Cost: FREE!

The form will CLOSE October 3rd! If your club needs an extension, please let me know! 

Member Recognition Program Webinar Recap
I hope everyone who attended our Member Recognition Webinar learned a lot from our Member Recognition Committee. I am here to provide you with some resources from the webinar.

Attached below:
  • Recording of CNH MR Webinar
  • MR Webinar Slides
  • Contest Guidelines

YOF Grant
The YOF Grant has been open for a while! Please make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to help out your club.
  • YOF Grants are only given to Key Clubs. Grants are not given to divisions or districts.
  • Grants amounts between $250 to $2,000 may be requested.
  • Applications must be submitted online by October 15th at 11:59, EST
  • Applications are reviewed by the Key Club board at the November meeting.
  • Grant applicants are emailed of outcomes the week of January.
  • A list of grant recipients is posted online in the third week of January.
  • The previous year's dues must be paid before YOF grant checks can be issued.
  • A YOF Final Grant Report is due at the end of the grant cycle (January 1st).
  • Grant Application Found Here:
Miss-Flo-Cal Sistrict
Want to learn more about what goes on the International Level? Here you go! 

Q: What is a Sistrict?
A: Three districts within the Key Club Intl. assigned annually to an International Trustee. A liaison between the districts and International.
  • Miss-Flo-Cal are the Louisana Mississippi West Tennessee District
  • Florida and Cayman Islands District
  • California Nevada Hawaii District
Q: What is an International Trustee?
A: They are a member of the international board and represents several districts on the international level.
  • Emma Chang, former CNH Kiwin's District Governor is our International Trustee!
Make sure to follow @missflocal, subscribe to their emails, check out their website to be updated on what’s going on throughout the term with International! Link to more resources: https://missflocal.carrd.co/

Join the Hive Campaign
Did you know that there are 75 divisions alone in the Cali-Nev-Ha District? Division 28 South Seamonkeys is one of them! The CNH district also has a mascot, a bee, and they are CALLING ALL CNH BEES to tell about why you joined Key Club

We want YOU to help encourage potential members to JOIN OUR HIVE! For the rest of August and all throughout September, the CNH district wants to promote the benefits of bee-ing a Key Clubber. Take this as an opportunity to share your favorite Key Club moments. 

To participate, email cnhkc....@gmail.com with your name, position, and the reason why you joined Key Club along with a photo. Once you received your overlay, tag #JoinOurHive2020 and #CNHKeyClub in your posts, and you may be featured on the CNH Instagram!

September Spotlight on Service
SERVEtember is an ongoing, month-long initiative during the month of September to promote and encourage to serve and recognition of members across the Cali-Nev-Ha district. 

How to Submit: Clubs who complete the SERVEtember Bucket List will receive recognition at District Convention! Fill out the form and follow all instructions after completing the SERVEtember Bucket List. Make sure to take pictures of each task and have descriptions ready in order to fill out the form. 

District/Division Newsletter
Be updated on what's going on in Cali-Nev-Ha District and Division 28 South!

Here's a link to last month's DCM!

^ Thank you to everyone who made this possible. I love Division 28 South


Surfing With Seamonkey Service and Spirit, 

Feliza Cunanan
Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021
Division 28 South | Region 5
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Key Club International

“A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it.
― Ami Mizuno


Surfing With Seamonkey Service and Spirit, 

Feliza Cunanan
Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021
Division 28 South | Region 5
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Key Club International

“A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it.
― Ami Mizuno

Feliza Cunanan

Sep 22, 2020, 12:40:14 AM9/22/20
to Division 28 South Seamonkeys OFFICERS, d28sad...@googlegroups.com, d28...@googlegroups.com, d28ssea...@googlegroups.com
* Correction: It's Week 21!
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