D28S | Seamonkey Updates Week 1 ・゚✧

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Katrina Orevillo

Apr 21, 2020, 6:30:59 PM4/21/20
to Division 28 South Seamonkeys OFFICERS, d28...@googlegroups.com, d28sad...@googlegroups.com, d28ssea...@googlegroups.com

Aloha, Seamonkeys!

This email is being sent by the 2020-21 Division 28 South Lieutenant Governor, Feliza Cunanan.

Welcome to the 2020-21 Term! My name is Feliza Cunanan and I'm excited to serve Division 28 South as YOUR Lieutenant Governor. The long wait is finally over and I'm so excited to work with each and every member within our division. OFFICERS! You can finally be installed into your new position or officially retire.

The following topics will be discussed in this email (highlighted information is new or updated):

  • April DCM - April 21st @ 5 PM
  • Officer Training Conference - held through 23rd to 28th
  • DCM Host *Filled out by Advisors
  • 2020-21 Division Leadership Team Applications - due on April 30th @ 6 PM
  • 2020-21 Club Directory Form
  • Region 5 Spirit Week
  • Region 5 Senior Overlays
  • Past Term Reflections
April DCM
The first DCM of the term is here! Although things may be different, we can't stop serving and leading. We can only go UP from there! 

When: TODAY! Tuesday, April 21st
Where: Hangouts Meet
Time: 5-6 PM
Dress Code: Key Club Casual

Officer Training Conference
Officer Training Conference (OTC) will be held through ZOOM since we are unable to gather in-person at this time. With the convenience for being able to access through a online conference, all OFFICERS are REQUIRED to attend. Presentations will be held on different dates. ZOOM Codes will shared to those who signed up later this week and is to NOT BE SHARED with anyone. 

Thursday, April 23rd @ 3 PM - Secretaries
Thursday, April 23rd @ 5:30 PM - Bulletin Editors/Historians/SAA's
Friday, April 24th @ 3 PM - Presidents
Saturday, April 25th @ 3 PM - Treasurers
Tuesday, April 28th @ 3 PM - Vice Presidents

Failure to sign up will result in not being able to attend the presentation and being trained. 
Deadlines for Sign Ups: Wednesday, April 21st @ 6 PM
* Advisors, you aren't required to attend every presentation but you wish to, you are more than welcome to. 

Division Council Meeting Hosting!
For advisors only*
Please fill out this form for the dates you would like to host the DCM's at your respective school. 

Division Leadership Team Applications

Division Leadership Team applications are finally out! This is a wonderful opportunity for ALL to apply to as the DLT works behind the scenes to ensure the best for Division 28 South. Along with that, you are able to get out of your comfort zone and show your dedication you have for the division you serve. Also, there's no harm in applying so please do!

Positions available:

  • Executive Assistant
  • Secretary
  • News Editor
  • Member Recognition Coordinator
  • Media Coordinator
  • Spirit Coordinator

All the information about the positions and application can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/D28SDLTApps2021
Due: Thursday, April 30th, 2020 at 6:00 PM
(please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns at this email)

Club Directory Form

Attention ALL OFFICERS, FACULTY ADVISORS, AND KIWANIS ADVISORS! Please fill out the form as this will be my way to organize information to reach you.

* There are still missing officers/advisors

Link: https://tinyurl.com/D28SCD2021

Region 5 Spirit Week
Thank you to all the members that participated in Spirit Week! Each member that participated in Spirit Week earned their club Banana Bucks, a member recognition system.
* Following clubs earned banana bucks:
Desert Oasis, Durango, Ed W. Clark, Sierra Vista, Southwest CTA, and Spring Valley

Senior Overlays
Region 5 will be honoring the seniors for all they have done throughout their Key Club journey. Although many activities were cut short, this is a way to uplift their spirits. Key Club members will be sharing their favorite Key Club moment(s) with this seniors. The senior ads will be posted on the division Instagram and in the newsletter. A Google form will be used to collect the responses. 

Past Term Reflections

Although the 2019-20 term hasn't officially ended, I would still like to receive your input about how the term went and your thoughts on the division. Please fill out the form to showcase new ideas, changes, or what you like to see continue in the Seamonkey family.

Link: https://tinyurl.com/D28SReflection1920

You have reached the end! Are you filled with lots of info about the division, Seamonkey? Also, thank you for everything you do!


Surfing With Seamonkey Service and Spirit

Feliza Cunanan
Lieutenant Governor-Elect 2020-2021
Division 28 South | Region 5
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Key Club International

“A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it.
― Ami Mizuno
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