Update & upcoming activities

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Anthony Aufdenkampe

Sep 22, 2014, 7:48:03 PM9/22/14
to czoda...@googlegroups.com
    I hope you all had a good summer!  It is good to see some of you at the CZO All Hands meeting, and we're looking forward to re-engaging with all of you in coming months.

    Since our IMC meeting in late May our project team has been busy on a number of fronts.  We have:
  • Developed our automated meta-data harvesting from the CriticalZone.org dataset pages to the CZOData Geoportal Catalog (via the ISO-19115 metadata specification)
  • Soft launched our new user interface for the CZOData Geoportal Catalog at http://search.criticalzone.org.  We still have the "under construction" warning on top because it still lacks many features (getting your input will be useful for this!)
  • Developed the CZOData visualization platform based on Vizer/NVS.  You can check it out at http://viz.criticalzone.org. However it still lacks connections to content.  We'll need your help with that too.
  • Begun developing draft Controlled Vocabularies for ODM2 "Types".  These will become the foundations for metadata options for the CZO-IGSN registration agent, faceted searches on viz.criticalzone and search.criticalzone, and CZODisplayFile2.
  • Developed software tools for creating and using ODM2 databases that can be managed in either MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or MySQL.  See: https://github.com/UCHIC/ODM2/tree/master/src.  So we're getting close to our first release, but need to finalize the Type CVs first.
I'll be demoing some of these at the All Hands meeting this wednesday.

In the next week we'll want to start scheduling IMC sub-committee discussions for getting the feedback we need to prioritize and polish these and other "products".  Here's the link to our IMC subcommittees (from our Meeting Agenda & Notes, also pasted below): https://docs.google.com/a/stroudcenter.org/document/d/1oedsIdCqixxYs0Fok6YPI-6j9yMDEuEyTIGKyeVHWSA/edit#bookmark=id.rlfmuw3mnuu3

Stay tuned!

IMC Committees

  • CZODisplayFile2:

    • Scope:

    • Dan, Miguel, Matej, Collin, Anthony (Chair), Tom W., Jeff, Ilya

  • CZ-Geosamples:

    • Scope: define requirements and test CZO IGSN registration agent

    • Leslie (Chair), Cliff, Jeri, Jennifer, Megan, Tom M., Kerstin L.,

  • CZ-DataUserInterfaces:

    • Scope: Usability and User Interface issues regarding metadata and data access. Will include at least the CZO GeoPortal catalog UI and CZO “NSV/Vizer” data visualization application. May include aspects of faceted searching.

    • Emilio (Chair), Tom W., Dan, Eric P., Tom M.

  • CZ-Data Tool Collaboration

  • ODM2 Controlled Vocab

    • Scope:

    • Jeff (Chair?), Tom M., Li, Ilya, Anthony, Cliff, Jennifer

Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist - Isotope & Organic Geochemistry
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311
Tel. 610-268-2153 ext. 263; Fax 610-268-0490
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