Request for input: Sample Management with IGSN in the CZOs, Thursday, Dec. 4, at 3pm EST

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Leslie Hsu

Dec 1, 2014, 6:28:40 PM12/1/14
Dear CZOData IMC,

This Thursday, Dec. 4, at 3pm EST, there is a scheduled CZO webinar on the use of the International Geosample Number (IGSN) in CZO, given by Kerstin Lehnert. Although there have been past presentations on IGSN, this one will be targeted toward real example cases for CZO scientists, and your needs and questions. 

To make this presentation and discussion the most effective, if you work with samples, can you please answer these questions below, and send over any others that you may have about using IGSN with samples. Even if you only answer a subset of these questions, it will really help us make the webinar most useful to you.

If you could help us distribute this email message to others in your CZO that work with samples, that would be super. 

Thanks to all who have contributed any information in past sessions, your input is critical!

1. What kind of samples do you work with?

2. Have you heard previous presentations on SESAR/IGSN? Which ones?

3. Have you registered samples in SESAR before?

4. If you have not, why not?
It is not required.
I have my own way of keeping track of samples.
I don't have time.
I don't know how.
Other (please tell us)

5. What coordinate systems and elevation datums do you use?
e.g. UTM, local coordinate systems, sea level, lake level

6. What kind of links to samples would you find useful?
e.g. To, to your group's lab page

7. How would you want to search for your samples or other samples?
e.g. usually by location; by sample type; by preparation

8. Do you see it possible/beneficial to assign IGSNs in the field for your work, and would you use a mobile/tablet app? How could your sample management in the field be improved?

9. If you are willing to use your samples as test cases for IGSN and CZO, let us know. (Thanks to those who already supplied us with some sample data and metadata!)

THANKS again for your help.
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