CZ-Geosamples Update and Subcommittee

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Leslie Hsu

Jun 5, 2014, 2:50:13 PM6/5/14
to, Megan Carter-Thomas

Thanks to everyone who was at last week's CZO-IMC meeting and contributed to the Discussion about the planned CZO/IGSN Registration Agent which will help with the management of physical samples from the CZOs.

If you would like to see any of the materials presented at that time or some documentation of the discussion, go to

A Summary is pasted below.  If you would like to contribute further, go to and type in additional answers to any of the questions there (or email me). Most useful would be to have a list of samples you are likely to register.

At the end of the meeting, we set up a Subcommittee to "define requirements and test CZO IGSN registration agent" (listed below). Anyone else interested?

I would like to set the target of July 15th for having a more or less complete "requirements" list for the CZO/IGSN Registration Agent (understanding that not all requirements are possible to implement at first), we have a good start summarized below. 

Many thanks,

This is a summary of the 5/30/2014 discussion about the CZO IGSN Registration Agent

Full document at

Proposed new Materials important for CZO research and searching (top level classification)

  • Ice

  • Regolith

  • Synthetic

Example Sample types:

rock, soil, sediment (suspended and bed load) water samples, water samples with preservatives (acid, organic, anti-microbial), synthetic samples, Rock samples taken via a drill

Some points brought up:

  1. Existing IGSNs will not change when the new portal is built: Any samples registered in the current SESAR system will be part of the upcoming portal, the IGSNs will not change. After the new CZO portal is set up, CZO-related IGSNs will begin with CZ, followed by a 3-digit namespace, followed by 4 alphanumeric places.

  2. Location metadata: Elevation Datum and UTM coordinates are very important metadata for a lot of terrestrial samples, these are important metadata fields for CZO samples

  3. More description of Methods: it was brought up that for environmental samples, users may want to search for samples by other methods besides Collection methods, Preservation methods, Preparation methods, and More than one might apply to specimen. e.g. acidified/frozen/etc.

  4. Site Type Users may want to search on the type of site: Well, stream station, soil lysimeter, precipitation bucket (object). This may be taken care of in the Collection Method search? (discuss)

  5. Purpose: one example of a CZO purpose may be “geophysical measurement”, a short list of purposes may be drawn up for searching.

  6. We will want to align with the ODM2 Controlled Vocabularies as much as we can.

  7. CZO-related samples should link to the CZO site page and to any DOIs for datasets or papers related to the sample

  8. CZO Data Managers may have accounts with more permissions so that they can register and edit samples for PIs within their CZO.

  • CZ-Geosamples Subcommittee: (anyone else want to join? Let me know.)

    • Scope: define requirements and test CZO IGSN registration agent

    • Leslie Hsu (Chair), Kerstin Lehnert, Cliff Reibe, Jeri Tebbetts, Jennifer Williams, Megan Carter, Tom Meixner
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