JASM Town Hall, Thu 12:15-1:15: EarthCube Aquatic Critical Zone / CZO and Inland Waters groups

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May 20, 2014, 8:21:10 PM5/20/14
to may...@apl.washington.edu
Thursday 5/22, 12:15-1:15pm, Room B-114

Alba Argerich (OSU) and I are organizing an informal gathering ("Town
Hall") at JASM (Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting) on Thursday this week.
Given the short notice, I'm taking the liberty of combining a couple of
groups that will have a lot in common:

- Those of you who attended or had expressed interest in the EarthCube
"Inland Waters" workshop in Boulder, April 2013.
- Critical Zone Observatory members or anyone who attended the EarthCube
CZ workshop in Delaware (Jan 2013), who work on biogeochemistry and
sedimentology of surface waters (streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands).

This will be a great opportunity for us to tell you about the Inland
Waters NSF EarthCube RCN proposal we submitted last March (Albert Kettner
is the PI, and both Alba and I are Co-PI's). We also hope it's a good
opportunity to reconnect, and to discuss overlapping, data and modeling
interests between the inland waters and CZ communities. Finally, I and
possibly Aaron Packmann can give you an update on the relevant NSF grant
that Anthony is leading and several of us are collaborators on: "SI2-SSI:
The Community-Driven BiG CZ Software System for Integration and Analysis
of Bio- and Geoscience Data in the Critical Zone"
(http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1339834); I personally
want to see this effort support our watery communities as much as

We look forward to seeing some of you on Thursday.

Emilio & Alba

-Emilio Mayorga, Ph.D.
Applied Physics Laboratory
University of Washington
Box 355640
Seattle, WA 98105-6698 USA

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