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CZ-EarthCube workshop WebEx info, reminders

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Anthony Aufdenkampe

Jan 17, 2013, 4:20:08 PM1/17/13
to Critical Zone EarthCube Domain Group, Jane Sowdon, Genevieve Pearthree, Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Joel Ethan
Hi All,
    We have set up the 5 WebEx virtual meeting rooms for the Plenary and each of the four breakout rooms.  Connection information for all is given here:
Or you can go directly to these two pages and enter the meeting using "criticalzone" as the password.

Also, we will officially start the meeting at 8:30 am on Tuesday.  This is a half hour earlier than we initially indicated on the agenda.  Plan on setting up posters before then; doors open at 7:30 am.

  • Fill out the pre-meeting survey. Only 16 people have done this.  Results will be presented to us on Tuesday morning.  A description of the survey's purpose is below.
  • Posters will be pinned to 4x4 ft or 4x6 ft (120x180 cm) foam-core boards on easels.  4x8ft boards are also available.  If you haven't already, please register your poster title (abstract optional).
  • PDFs of posters and presentations can be shared in our Google Docs collection.  The file name should start with the presenters last name.
  • Bring $$ for open bar. The workshop grant can not cover alcohol, so we will have an open bar on Monday and Tuesday night.  If you can, bring extra money to buy a drink or two for the grad students and post-docs.
Survey details:

Dear Critical Zone Workshop Invitees,
As we noted earlier, the NSF has funded a social science study of the multi-disciplinary research and cyber support associated with EarthCube – now and over time – so as to better enable success across the earth sciences.  It has the potential to be a groundbreaking study tracing how very complex communities such as ours advance to tackle the “grand challenge” and associated research questions facing our field.
At this point 16 of the workshop invitees have completed the survey (which is appreciated).  If you haven’t done so, it is still possible before the results are tabulated – so your perspective is incorporated in the results.  You can complete the on-line survey at:
Participation in the survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept confidential.  It is important to have as many workshop invitees as possible complete the survey before the workshop (even those invited, but who are unable to attend).  It is a comprehensive survey, which takes about 25-30 minutes to complete.
If you have questions about the survey (including checking to be sure you have completed it) or other aspects of the research on “stakeholder alignment for EarthCube,” you can contact the PI, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, at 217-979-2771 or
After the meeting, the researchers may follow up with a much shorter post-workshop survey.
We look forward to the Workshop and thank you for your consideration.
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist - Isotope & Organic Geochemistry
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311
Tel. 610-268-2153 ext. 263; Fax 610-268-0490

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Anthony Aufdenkampe <> wrote:
Hi All,
    Please complete an online survey, described below, by the end of the week.  All EarthCube Domain workshop participants are being asked to complete the survey, and results will be presented to us during the workshop and comparing our responses to other communities.

Composing and submitting an abstract is optional.  
At this point, we just need a list of titles and authors so that we can plan the poster room, and we've only received a fraction of what we might expect.

Here is the survey info:

Dear Critical Zone Workshop Invitees 

NSF has funded a social science study of the multi-disciplinary research and cyber support associated with EarthCube – now and over time – so as to better enable success across the earth sciences.  It has the potential to be a groundbreaking study tracing how very complex communities such as ours advance to tackle the “grand challenge” and associated research questions facing our field.

We are writing to request your participation in this research by completing the on-line survey which is at:

Participation in the survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept confidential.  It is important to have as many workshop invitees as possible complete the survey before the workshop (even those invited, but who are unable to attend).  Then, at the workshop, we will have preliminary survey responses to share.  It is a comprehensive survey, which takes about 25-30 minutes to complete.

You may have completed other surveys in advance of the workshop, but this is different from those surveys and is also important.  If you have questions about the survey or other aspects of the research on “stakeholder alignment for EarthCube,” you can contact the PI, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, at 217-979-2771 or

After the meeting, the researchers may follow up with a much shorter post-workshop survey.

As you know, our field is large and very complex in its makeup and that makes it all the more important to capture your views so that our interests will be documented and so that our needs can be best addressed.

We look forward to the Workshop and thank you for your consideration.


Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist - Isotope & Organic Geochemistry
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311
Tel. 610-268-2153 ext. 263; Fax 610-268-0490

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Anthony Aufdenkampe <> wrote:
Hi All,
    A few reminders and nudges to prep for the workshop in 10 days.

Confirm hotel nights, if you haven't already, that we have listed for you in the participant list, and email any necessary changes to me and Jane Sowdon.

Plan to bring a poster, and submit your poster title and optionally your abstract.  The poster session will be low key and relaxed, so recycle a poster from AGU or elsewhere if you don't have time.  Ideal topics might include one of the below, but don't feel constrained.  Let the rest of us know what you do.
  • your critical zone science that might be or become constrained by data and cyber-infrastructure
  • your cyber-infrastructure projects that are begining to meet release constraints on scientists
  • an overview of the environmental observatory or other project that you participate in
Join the Critical Zone EarthCube Domain Group to enable document sharing before, during and after the workshop, and to receive email communication via  You can join the group with any email address, but to gain document sharing privileges you must sign in with an email address associated with your Google account.  This does not need to be a email address, or even your primary Google account email address.  Also, you can associate multiple alternate email addresses with your Google account, and all will work for gaining access to a Google Doc shared with any other associated email address.

Plan to bring a laptop, tablet or smart phone with the knowledge on how to effectively use Google Docs.  We will be actively and simultaneously co-authoring a suite of documents via Google Docs.  If you are new to Google Docs, watch and read these short tutorials:
See you soon!

Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist - Isotope & Organic Geochemistry
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311
Tel. 610-268-2153 ext. 263; Fax 610-268-0490

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Anthony Aufdenkampe <> wrote:
Hello Workshop Participants,

We are looking forward to the Critical Zone EarthCube workshop in 2 weeks!  Thank you all for registering!  The participant list is now available at:

The agenda and travel information can be viewed here:
All of you should have now made your travel arrangements.  If you are early career, an invited speaker or on the organizing committee, hand on to those receipts so that we can reimburse your travel.

We are also finalizing hotel reservations for everyone.  Please confirm hotel nights we have listed for you in the participant list, and email any necessary changes to me and Jane Sowdon (cc'ed above).

Although the primary focus of this workshop is to "develop a set of unifying requirements" for cyber-infrastructure that could server our multidisciplinary, integrative community -- we also want to share our current work and ideas toward those goals.  Thus we have set aside time for a poster session after dinner on Tuesday Jan 22.  

Please provide titles and brief abstracts (optional) for posters that you would like to present using this form:

We can begin our work toward developing unifying requirements by looking over and beginning to edit documents that I've placed on our shared Google Docs collection:
In particular, please begin thinking about your answers to the questions in the two attached documents

Last, if you haven't already, please join the Critical Zone EarthCube Domain Group, a Google Group that we'll use for workshop communications and to grant editing privileges to the Google Docs collection of workshop documents.

Anthony Aufdenkampe

Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist - Isotope & Organic Geochemistry
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311
Tel. 610-268-2153 ext. 263; Fax 610-268-0490

Gary Berg-Cross

Jan 25, 2013, 11:54:47 AM1/25/13
Thanks Anthony and all for a great workshop.
As we were wrapping up some layered architecture visions were mentioned that could depict some of the issues and suggestions that were discussed in the 3/4 breakout groups.  A start on this type of visualization exists in some earlier work that might be leveraged.
This (Fig. 1) is a CZOData vision (extended to EarthCube) as
"an integrated information system that includes research observatories generating large volumes of observations, domain systems that publish the data according to community conventions aboutdata models, vocabularies and protocols, and cross-domain knowledge layer that includes federated catalogs, normalized andcurated datasets integrating data from domain systems and observatories, vocabulary cross-walks, as well as social networking,governance and compute infrastructure."
I imagine that one might extend the diagrams in this file to accommodate and illustrate some of the ideas of the groups on needed date as well as architecture.
Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.  
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies    
Potomac, MD
Join the Critical Zone EarthCube Domain Group to enable document sharing before, during and after the workshop, and to receive email communication via  You can join the group with any email address, but to gain document sharing privileges you must sign in with an email address associated with your Google account.  This does not need to be a email address, or even your primary Google account email address.  Also, you can associate multiple alternate email addresses with your Google account, and all will work for gaining access to a Google Doc shared with any other associated email address.
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