NRNB welcomes mentors for GSoC 2021

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Kristina Hanspers

Dec 8, 2020, 3:29:25 AM12/8/20
The National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) will be applying as a mentoring organization for GSoC 2021 for the joint efforts of Cytoscape and other network biology tools.

If you have a Cytoscape related project idea you would like to mentor, keep reading!

For GSoC 2021, Google has made some changes to the program including:

Project ideas: 2021 projects will be shortened to 10-weeks / 175 hours, which is approximately half the length of prior year's projects, so all project descriptions will need to be reimagined and written for this new format.
Expanded student base: The new rules allow for a wider range of "students," including post-graduate and late-career applicants.

Because of these changes, we are starting the process of updating project ideas early.

If you are interested in mentoring, complete these tasks before December 21:

1. Add your new project ideas at GitHub: Refer to our template to make sure your project description includes all necessary information:
2. Complete the mentor survey, even if you completed one last year:

* Getting Started guide:
* Program timeline:

Feel free to forward this to colleagues working on open source network biology projects. And let us know if you have any questions!


Kristina and Alex
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