Advance Network Merge plugin V1.0 was released on September 15th, 2008
from a project of Google Summer of Code 2008. This plugin enhanced the
original Network Merge plugin by supporting network merge (set
operation: union/intersection/difference) based on node/edge
attributes (instead of identifiers only). In this plugin, ID mapping
can also be utilized for merging networks. In V1.0, tab-delimited-file-
based ID mapping was supported. Some simple attribute conflict
handlers were also implemented in this version. Using this plugin,
networks from different sources with different ID types can be merged
The plugin was tested to work with Cytoscape 2.6. It is downloadable
by Plugin Manager or at [1]. The source code is available at [1]. A
tutorial for this plugin is available at [2].
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at I will keep developing and maintaining this plugin.
Any feedback (bug report, feature request, ...) is highly welcome.
Project member:
Student: Jianjiong Gao
Mentor: Kei Ono, Thomas Kelder, Martijn Iersel, Gary Bader.
Jianjiong Gao