INSOMNIA Instructions.

瀏覽次數:2 次

Cyberquest Avishkar2k10

2010年9月24日 凌晨3:37:542010/9/24

General instructions:
  • All teams should be present in front of computer center by 4:15PM. Attendance shall be taken outside CC at 4:15 sharp.
  • Insomnia is an open book event. You can bring e-books also.
  • Do not bring any bags.
  • Use of Internet is not allowed.
  • Code snippets are allowed.
  • Bring some snacks as you will be staying in CC till 11:00. Do not through the wastes inside CC.
  • Teams found cheating shall be debarred from Insomnia as well as remaining events of Cyberquest.

Instruction regarding problems:

There shall be 7 problems of varying difficulty.

Remember that your code shall pass the time limit, only when your algorithm is right.

Before you start coding check if your algorithm will pass the time limit. A quick check to see if your algorithm is right:

Compute the worst case steps required with the constraints provided. For example if your algorithm is O(n^2) and "n" can reach maximum 10^5,
then O(n^2) = (10^5)^2 = 10^10....
Anything greater than 10^8 is highly unlikely to pass the time limits.

When "n"=10^5 your algorithm should not go beyond O(nlogn) ( = 10^5*log(10^5) = 1.6*10^6 ).

Branch Coordinator
Avishkar 2010

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