Office Hours in SL Tonight, Open Discussion of Open-Access Education on Thursday night!

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Rebecca Nesson

Nov 28, 2006, 10:24:33 AM11/28/06
Hello all,

I'd like to invite you to a series of events in Second Life:

This Thursday, 9pm EST: Discussion of Open-Access Education

On the Monday before Thanksgiving we invited quite a distinguished panel of guests to visit our CyberOne law school class to discuss the idea of open access to education and educational materials.  We had:
  • Ann Margulies, the executive director of MIT's Open Courseware initiative
  • Prof. Sid Verba, the chair of the Harvard University libraries
  • Prof. Stuart Shieber, the leader of the effort to have open access academic journals, and
  • Laura Debonis, a representative of the Google Books project that is scanning the worlds books and making them digitally available and searchable
We had a whirlwind conversation with them and the students and on Tuesday we spent the day really getting into issues of open access education.  We particularly focused on the idea of at-large participation in university courses.  We explored the interests on both sides and tried to determine if there was a way to offer at-large participation and access to HLS courses without making the university or the enrolled students feel threatened.

The voice that was missing from these dicussions was YOURS!  So on Thursday at 9pm I've invited the enrolled students from the law and extension schools to join us for a discussion of these issues.  I hope you will come and share your experiences with CyberOne with the students as well as your thoughts and ideas on how at-large can co-exist with the traditional classroom environment and how it can be improved. 

I suggest taking the time to watch the class videos before the discussion.  You can find them here:

Monday December 4th & Wednesday December 6th, 8-10pm EST:  Build a Courtroom -- A Volunteer Building Project

As CyberOne draws to a close, the last thing we want to do is to lose the community and energy we've built up.  We've had so many ideas of new things to try and this winter we are going to put them into action in concert with my father's Evidence class at Harvard Law School.  Harvard Law School offers a 3-week intensive winter semester for its students each January.  The students will meet in class three hours a day to learn about the rules of evidence, the art of trial advocacy, and the process of manufacturing truths we can believe in. 

Over the last semester we have tried to offer a parallel experience to at-large participants and enrolled students where you do the same types of things that the enrolled students do.  One shortcoming of this method is that there is little interaction between you and the enrolled students.  This winter we want to change that.  And this building project is the first step. 

The enrolled HLS students will learn about trial advocacy by actually trying cases in a courtroom on Berkman Island.  My father will act as the judge.  The law students will be the lawyers.  The chat history will be the court reporter.  And you, if you would like to participate, will be the jury, the defendant, the witnesses, and the gallery. 

The first thing we need is a courtroom.  We've decided to make the build of this courtroom a group project as well.  Ansible Berkman will be the lead builder and volunteers like you and me will work as her crew.  We'll build the courtroom and learn about doing large-scale SL builds at the same time.  We'll be holding these building sessions on December 4th and 6th from 8-10pm EST with some possible additional hours the following weekend. 

If you are interested in participating in the build, please email me ( or IM me (Rebecca Berkman) with your avatar name and an email address to sign up.  If you are interested in participating in the mock trials in January, please also email or IM me.  

Office Hours Tonight

As usual, I'll be holding office hours tonight on Berkman Island from 8-10pm EST.  Please come visit!

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