Tomorrow and Tonight!

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Rebecca Nesson

Dec 11, 2006, 11:51:28 AM12/11/06
Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that tomorrow evening the students enrolled in CyberOne through the Harvard Extension School will be doing their project presentations in Second Life.  This will take place from 8-10pm EST in the main amphitheater area on Berkman Island.  You are welcome to join us to see their presentations and ask them about their work. 

Tonight, one of the groups is holding an event prior to their presentation.  I've copied the invitation to that event that they posted on the forum below.  I'm assuming they mean that it is as 6:30pm SLT, but it might be EST...

I hope to see you at one of these events!


Help us out - Win a Prize
by Peter Hess - Monday, 11 December 2006, 03:16 AM

Cyber One Students: Listen to your Inner Eon!

Moot Meeting in Second Life Tonight!

Want to practice your empatic discussion skills?

Want to compete with other empaths to be the Grand Eon of Berkman Island?

Want win a free "Listen to your Inner Eon" T shirt (in Second Life)?

Our project group is running an experimental "empathic meeting" Tonight, Monday December 11, at 6:30 PM, in or near the Amphitheater on Berkman Island.

The topic of the meeting is "CyberOne, Round 2: Developing Ideas for the Next Iteration of the Class."

The meeting will last between a half hour and an hour, depending on interest.

Participants will be asked (not required) to fill out a five item questionairre at the end.

If you want to participate, you can just show up, BUT it would be best if you contact us first at to let us know you plan to come. We will then get back to you with some more details.


Andy, Quee, Cordelia, Art, Peter

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