The First CxG+NLP workshop is almost here!

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Harish Tayyar Madabushi

Feb 28, 2023, 6:12:58 PM2/28/23
to CxGs+NLP Workshop

Dear all,


The First Construction Grammars and NLP (CxGs+NLP) Workshop will take place as part of the Georgetown University Round Table  between the 9 and 12 March, 2023. We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC! For a discounted rate, register by Feb. 28 at

Location: Washington, DC

Date: March 9-12, 2023

The detailed conference program is now online here: 


GURT/SyntaxFest is an in-person event with a modest registration fee. For a discounted rate, register by Feb. 28 at


Our aim is to bring together theoretical and computational researchers interested in CxG approaches and encourage topics examining how theoretical research can inform computational approaches and applications, whether existing or needed in the future.  Thus, we invite original research papers from a range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Theory and Linguistics

  • Formalisms for construction grammar

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

  • Opinion pieces on the interplay between CxGs and NLP

  • Constructions and Language Models (BERTology)

  • Constructicons and corpora annotated for construction grammar

  • Construction grammar learning and adaptation

  • Applications

We will have an invited speaker, Jonathan Dunn discussing the relation between Construction Grammars and NLP.  The workshop will also include a discussion consisting of experts from both fields discussing possible synergies between the two fields

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Claire and Harish

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