CVFiber June Regular Finance and Audit Committee Meeting

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David Mannix

Jun 19, 2024, 11:54:42 AMJun 19
to David Mannix, Ted Barnett, Sybil Schlesinger, John Burke, Governing Board,, Laurie Beth Putnam, Jennille Smith, Bonnie Batchelder, Olivia Kantyka, John Burke
The CVFiber Finance and Audit Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 24th , 2024, at 5:00 PM.

The agenda for the meeting is attached.

The meeting will be held remotely:

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 213 632 963 43
Passcode: gNRTjF
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-9353,,166472564#   United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 166 472 564#
David Mannix
Chair-Finance and Audit Committee, CVFiber

Please note this communication and any response will be maintained as a public record and is subject to disclosure under Vermont Public Records Act.
Agenda-Finance -24 June 2024.pdf
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