March 29, 2023 CVFiber Communications Committee Special Meeting

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Chuck Burt

Mar 26, 2023, 1:29:55 PM3/26/23
to Chuck Burt

Hi everyone,


The CVFiber Communications Committee will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, March 29th at 5:00PM.  This meeting will be held remotely only and parties wishing to attend can join via Microsoft Teams or phone dial-in instructions below. The agenda for this meeting and repeated instructions for attending remotely are attached.


Virtual Meeting:

Join on your computer or mobile app


Or call in (audio only) 

One-tap for Smart Phones: +1 689-206-9353,,830099127#

Phone: +1 689-206-9353

Phone Conference ID: 830 099 127# 


To encourage public participation, please post the attached agenda/warning in your respective communities and social media sites.


Thank you,






Chuck Burt

CVFiber Delegate, Town of Moretown |

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