Size of Map is Too Large

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Devin de Jong

Oct 26, 2022, 6:30:50 PM10/26/22
to Custom Maps users
Good morning,

I have recently been having troubles creating maps on the app.  When I select an image from my phone it says the image was too large.  I looked in my preferences and the maximum image size my phone says it can support is 24.0 MP.  So, I look at my image sizes and they aren't even close to that big. Any advice on troubleshooting this issue?

Thanks in advance,
Devin de Jong

Marko Teittinen

Oct 26, 2022, 10:09:44 PM10/26/22
to Devin de Jong, Custom Maps users
Hey Devin,

That "map is too large" error message is unfortunately incorrect most of the time. Sorry about that. The good news is that there is a simple way to avoid that error message for map images that are not too large (which is most of them).

That error message is actually incorrectly displayed when the map image filename contains spaces, punctuation or other special characters, or national (accented) characters. So until the next version of Custom Maps comes out, you need to rename your map image files with a name that contains only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and dashes and underscores (- and _). If the map image name contains only those characters, then Custom Maps should have no issue creating a map for you.

Marko Teittinen

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