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Thanks for the reference, I hadn't come across this article before. Good stuff! Just out of curiosity, which types of objects are not well supported by the F-Rep currently used by curv?
I'm curious to see how you'll attack these problems, do you have anything in the ideas folder regarding that? Otherwise, please share on the group, I'm interested!
Marching Cubes
This is the original cubic method. Desipte its age, the technique is still very much in use, but if you are interested in using marching cubes, I would suggest skipping straight to a more modern derivative.
Surface NetsThis is mentioned purely as a historical note – I believe this to be the earliest of the dual methods.
Extended Marching CubesThis seems to be the first technique to combine cubic and dual methods.
Dual Contouring of Hermite DataThis is a newer (and generally better) combination of cubic and dual methods, plus generalistaion to octrees.
Dual Marching Cubes: Primal Contouring of Dual GridsThis is an extension of Dual Contouring to better utilise adaptive octrees.
Manifold Dual ContouringAn extension to Dual Contouring which better preserves the manifold nature of the surface.
Isosurfaces Over Simplicial Partitions of Multiresolution Grids
Improves upon Dual Marching Cubes to eliminate self-intersecting triangles in the result.
Cubical Marching SquaresAn alternate approach which works on the faces of the cube rather than its content. Unique among the newer techniques, a reference implementation is provided.
Adaptive Skeleton ClimbingAn entirely different approach, which operates on a large chunk of voxels at one time, generating much larger polygons as a result.
The Transvoxel™ AlgorithmAn adaptation of Marching Cubes that extends the tables/lookup to prevent cracks at the boundaries between neighboring chunks that differ in level-of-detail. Used extensively in the C4 Engine’s terrain implementation.
Harder to find is one that does all of:
- Mandatory, 2-manifold. and non self intersecting,
- Preferably, preserve sharp features and adaptive resolution ,
- And if possible. tolerant of lower quality distance fields, and nice edge flow.
Isosurfaces Over Simplicial Partitions of Multiresolution Grids"
makes the following claims:
* 2-manifold
* non self intersecting
* reconstructs sharp features
* reconstructs *thin* features smaller than the sampling grid resolution
* adaptive resolution
I can't comment about "
nice edge flow", since I haven't tested the algorithm yet. But since it has been added to libfive, I assume that the algorithm is a good one.Cubical Marching Squares
An alternate approach which works on the faces of the cube rather than its content. Unique among the newer techniques, a reference implementation is provided.
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