Cursive 1.12.8-eap1

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Feb 3, 2023, 4:06:01 AM2/3/23

Hi everyone,

Cursive 1.12.8-eap1 is out. This release adds support for the new IntelliJ 2023.1 EAP, fixes an indentation bug when auto-requiring namespaces, and has a lot of new features for REPL commands.

The main new changes are to the REPL commands (doc for the previous version is here). The REPL commands are now configured in the Preferences, under Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Clojure | REPL Commands, and the UI for adding and editing them has had a long-overdue makeover. The previous Add and Edit actions have been removed.

There's now a clear separation between global commands and those which are specific to a particular project, and the standard options for organising commands now work as expected. There are new options to clear the REPL output before running a command, and there is now an option to execute the command in the current editor namespace. You can now also choose to execute either the top-level form around the caret, the form before the caret, or the innermost list surrounding the caret, in addition to the previous options. There will be more enhancements in the next EAP, which will allow this to be used to flexibly build analogues to the built-in REPL execution commands with additional behaviour.

Here are the issues:


  • Add support for IntelliJ 2023.1 EAP #2764
  • Execute REPL command in current file namespace #1756
  • "Clear REPL" before executing a REPL command #1459


  • Improve ordering of entries in Edit REPL Commands window #2622
  • Edit REPL Commands window should have + button to create a REPL command #1415
  • Missing command? #843


  • Incorrect indentation when adding new require clauses to ns form #2763


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