Cursive 1.12.2-eap1

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Dec 23, 2021, 5:19:31 AM12/23/21

Hi everyone,

Cursive 1.12.2-eap1 is out. It fixes one annoying bug from the last version which meant that you couldn’t navigate the history in the REPL editor, and one older bug with the test running.

There’s also a new feature, just in time for Christmas! You can now invoke Cursive’s visual diff from the REPL, which is something that has been requested for a while now. In REPLs where Cursive controls the startup (most Clojure & Babashka REPLs, and some CLJS ones), you can do it like this:

(cursive/diff <left> <right>)

You can also optionally provide a title for the diff:

(cursive/diff <left> <right> :title <title>)

For example:

(cursive/diff (meta #'defn) (meta #'let) :title "Metadata")

This function is really just a thin wrapper which returns a tagged literal which Cursive interprets, so if for some reason Cursive can’t inject it into your REPL automatically (e.g. when you have a Clojure REPL which gets upgraded to a CLJS one), you can do the following (and create your own function if desired, of course):

(tagged-literal 'cursive/diff {:left <left> :right <right> :title <title>})

Again, for example:

(tagged-literal 'cursive/diff {:left (meta #'defn) :right (meta #'let) :title "Metadata"})

Here the :title entry is optional. Let me know how this works, and if there are other features that would be helpful.

Since the REPL history bug is quite bad, 1.12.2 will continue to be available on IntelliJ 2020.3 - normally I would have dropped support for that version now that 2021.3 is GA.

Here are the issues:

  • Trigger Visual Diff from REPL #2128
  • Running tests with Leiningen results in exception #2621
  • REPL history move commands are broken in Cursive 1.12.0 & 1.12.1 #2620


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