CultNEWS101 Articles: 6/18/2024

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Patrick Ryan

Jun 18, 2024, 3:01:19 AMJun 18
Events, New Zealand, 2X2, EVOL-, Spain

July 4-6, 2024 with pre conference workshops on July 3, 2024
Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universitat de Barcelona
Montalegre, 6
08001 Barcelona
Register NOW! For more information and to register, visit

Decult Conference Speaker: Virginia Courage
Virginia Courage is mother to 11 beautiful children and happily married for 24 years. She is of Ngāti Porou descent and lives in Timaru. She and her husband were members of Gloriavale Christian Community for 40 years, leaving in 2019 when they could no longer quiet increasing concerns. Some issues for leaving were mistreatment of members, denial about sexual abuse, and their doubts around Gloriavale’s claims to be a “Christian group”. Since then, she has successfully taken her sexual abuser to court and is now a vocal victim advocate who wants to break the cycle of harm.

Tickets to Decult are now available to purchase through this link:
"In a secretive Christian sect unknown to most Americans, a reckoning is underway. Allegations of abuse that have been insular for so long are now coming to light.

Sheri Autrey was 14 when she says she was abused by a 28-year-old man who was a minister in her church. She says her abuse happened every night for two months.

"He'd be touching me everywhere, kissing me," Autrey, now 55, told ABC News. "And it was scary. It was scary because I knew if we got caught, I would be in trouble. I was the one doing something wrong."

Autrey grew up in a secretive sect of Christianity known by outsiders as the 2x2 church. Within the church, members refer to it as "The Truth" or "The Way" or even call it the church that has no name. What makes this religion so unique is that the ministers, known as workers, live with the congregants, moving from inone member home to another, sometimes living out of a single suitcase.

Autrey's story isn't unique within her former religion. ABC News has been conducting an investigation for over a year into this organization, and has spoken to dozens of alleged survivors, from at least 34 states in the nation. The alleged abuse within the church spans generations, with some victims accusing the same perpetrator decades apart. One alleged victim said she was abused by a worker when she was 7 years old in 1955."
"THE Guardia Civil has dismantled what they described as a ‘dangerous’ cult group called EVOL- that mistreated women in the Zaragoza area of Spain.

A man and three female associates have been arrested at an isolated farm in Escatron.

The sect leader told his followers that he was going to be the saviour of the world and tricked women into joining his group as they were manipulated and threatened.

Heads of cult that ‘cured homosexuality’ with heterosexual sex with leader arrested in Spain’s Caceres

Cult leader who ‘fed his followers mercury’ to ‘revitalise’ them and lived in a ‘cave with multiple women’ is finally arrested in southern Spain

The Guardia started their investigation after several complaints filed by victims in Barcelona.

They found that the sect, which was constituted as a legal association in 2018, recruited members that were forced not to have any outside contact.

The leader hosted workshops and spiritual retreats to boost personal growth during which the attendees were mentally manipulated.

Once fully on board, victims were asked to live on the Escatron farm under his guidance as he resorted to verbal and physical assaults to keep them in line."

News, Education, Intervention, Recovery to help families and friends understand and effectively respond to the complexity of a loved one's cult involvement. assists group members and their families make the sometimes difficult transition from coercion to renewed individual choice. news, links, resources.




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