TX29IT thermal/humidity sensor's CUL / FHEM compatibility?

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Szabolcs Hodosi

Nov 3, 2011, 9:33:33 AM11/3/11
to CUL fans
Hey Guys,

Do any of you know anything about the
Technoline TX 29-IT thermal/humidity?

I know that this product is compatible with the following products:
WS 7014-IT, WS7394-IT, WS 9117-IT, WS 9122-IT, WS 9130-IT, WS 9136-IT,
WS 9140-IT, WS 9162-IT, WS 9215-IT, WS 9611-IT, WS 9723-IT, WS 9750-
IT, WS 9765-IT.


I would like to use it with CUL / FHEM combo.

Is it supported by them?
Which protocol does it using?
This is for outdoor usage purposes, right?

Or: Do you have any recommendation of similar thermal sensors which
can be buy at Conrad in < approx 25 EUR rate?

Moreover, do you have any recommendation such a thermal sensor with
which I can measure the water temperature on the valve (some wire)
which can be bought at Conrad and CUL/FHEM compatible?

I hope I can still buy S555TH for internal usage... If not, what
alternatives I have?

Thanks in advance,


Ernst Cozijnsen

Nov 3, 2011, 1:33:12 PM11/3/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com

You could use S300TH but I understood this device will be replaced by the you're asking support for:-)  as I understood it should work by default

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Hodosi Szabolcs

Nov 6, 2011, 11:44:43 AM11/6/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com

S300TH and S555TH can not be purchased anymore, these products are EOL. Cannot order from Conrad or any other online market.
That was my particular reason I pulled this question up: Which are the temperature sensors (in-door) which are radio-based AND supported by FHEM AND supported by CUL (with culfw of course)
AND the most important: Can be purchased from Conrad.

Til now I found these are my options:
- TX29-IT which are compabible with several WSxxxx weather stations
- WS-9008-IT: http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/646273/Funk-Thermometer-WS-9008-IT

Previously I purchased FHT8R-s, FHZ1000-s, I can only drop them out to duskbin. I don't want to drop money out of the window anymore without at least an unofficial confirmation on any product.
At least a "Yes, it's working with CUL". I dropped out 200 EUR til now...

So, you all would be under my obligation if you may please help me with some information...

Thank you in advance.


Ernst Cozijnsen

Nov 8, 2011, 4:07:57 PM11/8/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com

Dude I'm sorry but I just cannot give you the awnser you're looking for throwing money away is crap but sometimes its the only way top find the stuff your looking for. Of I find any additional info I'll page you directly.


Nov 9, 2011, 2:26:56 PM11/9/11
to CUL fans
On 6 Nov., 17:44, Hodosi Szabolcs <hodosiszabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ernst,
> S300TH and S555TH can not be purchased anymore, these products are EOL.
> Cannot order from Conrad or any other online market.

You have still several options.

In Germany, you can still order S300TH from ELV: see http://www.elv.de
There are also other webshops still selling it in Germany.
Additionally to CUL you can receive it using USB-WDE1.

I do also use a ASH 2200 sensor which is designed for outside usage:
"ELV Funk-Außensensor ASH 2200 für z. B. USB-WDE 1, IPWE 1
Artikel-Nr.: 68-07 36 05"

There is also the S300IA sensor available:
"ELV Funk-Innen-/Außen- Temperatursensor S 300 IA für z. B. ELV WS
200/300, ELV WS 300 PC, USB-WDE1 und IPWE 1
Artikel-Nr.: 68-07 36 06"

These sensors can still be purchased by ELV. As they are compatible
with USB-WDE1, is is expected that they will also work with CUL.
Please note that you can only use at most 8 different sensors with CUL
or USB-WDE1 (you can define an ID from 0 to 7 with dip switches).

For all other sensors like the listed Technoline TX 29-IT you are
probably on your own to try it with the CUL firmware. I would bet that
they have a different RF protocol implemented.

A very different option is to buy Oregon scientific weather sensors.
These operate on 433 Mhz and can be received by the RFXCOM 433 Mhz
receiver (see http://www.rfxcom.com/receivers.htm) and use it with
FHEM. Please note that you need to buy the RFXCOM receiver which
supports many protocols.
The Oregon scientific sensors can not be received by CUL (the RF
protocols are not implemented in the firmware).

Kai 'wusel' Siering

Nov 10, 2011, 3:45:15 AM11/10/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com
From looking at the manual of one of the supported WS, I'd suggest that that sensor is not yet compatible with culfw/fhem.

Hodosi Szabolcs

Nov 9, 2011, 5:44:27 PM11/9/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for your replay Willi.

I think I'd better keep away using FS20 based temperature sensors since
I will control 8 valve drives with a CUL device and
1 have one transmission possibility every 2 minutes only, amx 160
transmissions per hour, which defines a low bandwidth.

Finally I will give a try with a WS9008T device on which I assume I can
communicate with the CUL_WS FHEM modul.
I saw the USB-WDE1 device on ELV's site. Does it Linux / FHEm compatible?
I saw it has some kind of Linux compatibility, I really hope it has an
in-kernel driver, and not proprietary kernel modul.

Good to hear I can order it, I hope the price wouldn't be more in such
low quantities I would order, including delivery fees.

I will plan with the WS9008T and will see was it succeeded or not.

2011.11.09. 20:26 keltez锟絪sel, Willi 锟絩ta:

> On 6 Nov., 17:44, Hodosi Szabolcs<hodosiszabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ernst,
>> S300TH and S555TH can not be purchased anymore, these products are EOL.
>> Cannot order from Conrad or any other online market.
> You have still several options.
> In Germany, you can still order S300TH from ELV: see http://www.elv.de
> There are also other webshops still selling it in Germany.
> Additionally to CUL you can receive it using USB-WDE1.
> I do also use a ASH 2200 sensor which is designed for outside usage:

> "ELV Funk-Au锟絜nsensor ASH 2200 f锟絩 z. B. USB-WDE 1, IPWE 1

> Artikel-Nr.: 68-07 36 05"
> There is also the S300IA sensor available:

> "ELV Funk-Innen-/Au锟絜n- Temperatursensor S 300 IA f锟絩 z. B. ELV WS


Nov 8, 2011, 8:21:27 PM11/8/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Nov 08, 2011 at 10:07:57PM +0100, Ernst Cozijnsen wrote:
> Dude I'm sorry but I just cannot give you the awnser you're looking for
> throwing money away is crap but sometimes its the only way top find the
> stuff your looking for. Of I find any additional info I'll page you
> directly.
> On Nov 8, 2011 9:38 PM, "Hodosi Szabolcs" <hodosis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Ernst,
> >
> > S300TH and S555TH can not be purchased anymore, these products are EOL.
> Cannot order from Conrad or any other online market.
> > That was my particular reason I pulled this question up: Which are the
> temperature sensors (in-door) which are radio-based AND supported by FHEM
> AND supported by CUL (with culfw of course)
> > AND the most important: Can be purchased from Conrad.
> >
> > Til now I found these are my options:
> > - TX29-IT which are compabible with several WSxxxx weather stations
> > - WS-9008-IT:
> http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/646273/Funk-Thermometer-WS-9008-IT
> >
> > Previously I purchased FHT8R-s, FHZ1000-s, I can only drop them out to
> duskbin. I don't want to drop money out of the window anymore without at
> least an unofficial confirmation on any product.

The protocol can be found here: http://fredboboss.free.fr/tx29/

> > At least a "Yes, it's working with CUL". I dropped out 200 EUR til now...

No, it's not working with CUL, you would have to extend the firmware
yourself. A bit of googling would have found you this information.



Nov 10, 2011, 12:49:38 PM11/10/11
to CUL fans
On 9 Nov., 23:44, Hodosi Szabolcs <hodosiszabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I saw the USB-WDE1 device on ELV's site. Does it Linux / FHEm compatible?
> I saw it has some kind of Linux compatibility, I really hope it has an
> in-kernel driver, and not proprietary kernel modul.

I have written the USB-WDE1 support for FHEM. It is in the standard
FHEM distribution.

The USB-WDE1 hardware has an internal USB to serial converter which is
an CP2102. Linux supports this with the standard cp210x driver module.

USB-WDE1 has an ATmega88 controller with an proprietary firmware (not
open source firmware). As you will not get the source you can not add
new RF protocols easily. Theoretically you could write your own
firmware ;-)

This means only the following devices are supported by USB-WDE1 (see
manual at www.elv to be sure):
- ELV: KS200/KS300, S300IA, S300TH, ASH2200, PS50
- Conrad compatible devices to the above devices

Do NOT expect that USB-WDE1 works with WS9008T. I would bet that it
will not work with it.

Hodosi Szabolcs

Nov 10, 2011, 1:15:18 PM11/10/11
to cul-...@googlegroups.com
I see, thank you for the clarification.

It seems for me from your mail that situation will be similar between
CUL + WS9008T like USB-WDE1+WS9008T.
That's the case, right?

I cancelled the order at once, for safety.

A bunch of thanks Willi, for all the informations,


2011.11.10. 18:49 keltez�ssel, Willi �rta:


Nov 10, 2011, 1:47:35 PM11/10/11
to CUL fans
On 10 Nov., 19:15, Hodosi Szabolcs <hodosiszabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see, thank you for the clarification.
> It seems for me from your mail that situation will be similar between
> CUL + WS9008T like USB-WDE1+WS9008T.
> That's the case, right?

For WS9008T: Correct.

Rinie Kervel

Nov 11, 2011, 3:00:23 AM11/11/11
to CUL fans
> The protocol can be found here:http://fredboboss.free.fr/tx29/
It does not list the protocol, only the decoded data.
IT+ is FSK with a sync of 2DD4

See http://forum.jeelabs.net/comment/3658#comment-3658


On 9 nov, 02:21, MM <ekr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2011 at 10:07:57PM +0100, Ernst Cozijnsen wrote:
> > Dude I'm sorry but I just cannot give you the awnser you're looking for
> > throwing money away is crap but sometimes its the only way top find the
> > stuff your looking for. Of I find any additional info I'll page you
> > directly.


Feb 28, 2013, 6:46:16 AM2/28/13
to cul-...@googlegroups.com, willi....@googlemail.com
Dear all,

Sorry to reopen this topic a looonnng time after, but I would like to purchase several thermo/hygrometers for my system.
I have a CUL 868 with FS20 devices, and I noticed that the S300TH is no longer available from ELV (15 weeks delay).
Do you know what are the current best deals available?
Ideally I would purchase 3 different types of thermo/hygro sensors
- wall mounted for room monitoring, (with a small LCD ideally)
- with wired temp sensor for freezer monitoring
- with multiple wired humidity/temp sensor for my dual flow air ventilation system.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance 



Dec 9, 2013, 6:30:40 AM12/9/13
to cul-...@googlegroups.com
Anyone tried the TX29IT with WDE-1, yet?

Wanted to add some sensors to my home but unfortunately it seems I came too late for getting more S300TH at ELV (or Conrad).

Pete Winkler

Aug 29, 2014, 4:57:05 AM8/29/14
to cul-...@googlegroups.com

In this Master Thesis the Author decodes IT+ using a CC1101:
http://web.it.kth.se/~maguire/DEGREE-PROJECT-REPORTS/120620-Albert_Lopez_and_Francisco_Javier_Sanchez-with-cover.pdf (page 50 ff)
He also provides Code:  http://gateway868mhz.googlecode.com/

So it should be possible to add IT+ support to culfw. I think for an involved Developer it should'nt be very difficult?

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