[Cucumber] Eliminating duplicated scenarios.

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Gheeno San Pascual III

Jan 9, 2020, 7:34:53 AM1/9/20
to Cukes
I am trying to eliminate duplicated scenarios.

What my end goal is - feedback. Is this the right way to do it? Do you consider this as code duplication? How would you simplify this feature file without compromising Parallel execution?

Setup :
1. The TestRunners has parallel mode enabled, 3 FailSafe test runners exists per Environment.
2. All 3 Environments are being targetted and tested at the same time.
3. All 3 Environments might have different user login and PageObjects

Goals :
1. Have ClueCumber reports still be meaningful where you can differentiate the 3 environments.
2. Retain parallel execution capability.

Example : 
Scenario Outline: Login into page [ENV1]
Given User navigates to [ENV1] login page
And User enters valid username : <username> and password: <password>
When User clicks on login button
Then ENV1 landing can be seen.
| username | password |
| 000000000 | 0000000 |

Scenario Outline: Login into page [ENV2]
Given User navigates to [ENV2] login page
And User enters valid username : <username> and password: <password>
When User clicks on login button
Then ENV2 landing can be seen.
| username | password |
| 000000001 | 0000000 |

Scenario Outline: Login into page [ENV3]
Given User navigates to [ENV3] login page
And User enters valid username : <username> and password: <password>
When User clicks on login button
Then ENV3 landing can be seen.
| username | password |
| 000000003 | 0000000 |

Andrew Premdas

Jan 9, 2020, 7:57:48 AM1/9/20
to cu...@googlegroups.com
Your scenarios are not duplicates, they are similar. To reduce the cost of the similarity make the scenarios as simple as possible.

So with your example the only difference is the environment you login into so your scenarios could be

Scenario: Login into env1
  Given I am an env 1 user
  When I login
  Then I should see my landing page

Scenario: Login into env1
  Given I am an env 2 user
  When I login
  Then I should see my landing page

Note how my scenarios are equivalent but much simpler than your examples, and only the Given is different.

By taking this approach and using helper methods to do the work you can have a much reduced codebase to do this work.

module LoginStepHelper
  def create_user(env: )

  def login(user: )
     visit user.homepage
     fill_in_login_details(user: user)

  def fill_in_login_details
     fill_in user.email
  def should_see_landing_page
     expect ...

World LoginStepHelper

Given 'I am an env 1 user' do
  @i = create_user(env: 1)

Given 'I am an env 2 user' do
  @i = create_user(env: 2)

When 'I login' do
  visit @i.login_page
  login(user: @i)

Then ...

and thats pretty much all you need. Note: the following

- no scenario outlines necessary
- no params for step defs
- no hard config of password/user ids in feature
- use of global @i variable to store the test user
- test user know their login page, password email, name etc
- the only thing we've specified is the login page (1,2 or 3)

Of course there is a bit more infrastructure to set up depending on how you configure your environments etc.. But the point holds. If your scenarios and step definitions are very simple and you delegate HOW things are done to helper methods, then step definition duplication and scenario duplication become almost none issues (apart from runtime cost).

All of the above code is ruby, I'm pretty sure you can translate this to other languages.
You have to do a bit of tricky stuff behind the scenes to get the test-user to work

Hope that helps

All best

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Andrew Premdas

George Dinwiddie

Jan 9, 2020, 1:20:25 PM1/9/20
to cu...@googlegroups.com
I would take a similar approach to Andrew, but get rid of the user
interactions in the scenarios, pushing this down to the step definitions
and test code that they call.

Scenario: smoketest env1
When a user logs into env1
Then the system displays env1 landing page

In this example, "env1" is a parameter to the step definition. The step
definition uses this value to look up a user for that environment, the
login page for that environment, and how to detect the landing page for
that environment.

The advantage of this scenario is that it describes the desired behavior
of the system, rather than describing the user's behavior.

- George
> Then ENV2 landingcan be seen.
> Examples:
> | username | password |
> | 000000001 | 0000000|
> @smoke3
> Scenario Outline: Login into page [ENV3]
> Given User navigates to [ENV3] login page
> And User enters valid username :<username> and password:<password>
> When User clicks on login button
> Then ENV3 landing can be seen.
> Examples:
> | username | password |
> | 000000003 | 0000000|
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* George Dinwiddie * http://blog.gdinwiddie.com
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Consultant and Coach

Gheeno San Pascual III

Jan 9, 2020, 2:00:17 PM1/9/20
to cu...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much for the feedback gentlemen. Applying the changes now. 

I appreciate the help.

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Thank you,
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