When I try to run both Scenario Outlines with Cucumber 5.6.0, I get the following error:-
Only one Scenario Outline at a time is getting executed successfully with Cucumber 5.6.0.
However, both scenario outlines are getting executed successfully when I downgrade to Cucumber 4.8.1.
Scenario Outlines also do not work when I run them with Cucumber 4.8.1 and JUnit Test Runner v 4.13
Please take a look below at the Feature file and JUnit Test Runner class that I am using
Feature: GoogleMapPageObjectFactory
Background: setUpGoogleMapPageObjectFactoryTest
Given ChromeDriver is available for GoogleMap Page
And GoogleMap Page is opened
And all GoogleMap page elements are initialised
Scenario Outline: captureScreenShotatStartGoogleMap
When I capture screenshot on GoogleMap page to be stored at "<screenshotFilePathStart>"
Then an image should be stored in local drive path "<screenshotFilePathStart>"
| screenshotFilePathStart |
| F:\\Users\\User\\eclipse-workspace\\maven-demo\\screenshots\\GoogleMapPageObjectFactoryTest-start.jpg |
Scenario Outline: typeAndVerifyAddressGoogleMap
When I type the "<searchAddress>" on GoogleMap Page
Then I verify the section header contains "<searchAddress>" on GoogleMap Page
| searchAddress |
| Harvard Business School, Boston, MA 02163, United States |
Scenario: phnuminlinePopUpGoogleMap
When I type the "phoneNumber" on GoogleMap Page
Then I verify the inline popup window contains "phoneNumber" on GoogleMap Page