version compatibility

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Ankit Sood

Mar 15, 2014, 3:14:47 AM3/15/14

I'm using a code which was written using cudpp 1.1.1 on Fermi but i'm using cudpp 2.0 currently on Tesla.

Due to this a statement like:

cudppPlan(&segmentedScanPlan_min, config_segmented_min, no_of_edges, 1, 0 );

gives the following errors:
  1. argument of type "CUDPPHandle *" is incompatible with parameter of type "CUDPPHandle"
  2. no suitable conversion function from "CUDPPConfiguration" to "CUDPPHandle *" exists
  3. no suitable constructor exists to convert from "int" to "CUDPPConfiguration"
  4. too few arguments in function call
this is because the function call passes 5 parameters but cuddp 2.0 requires 6 parameters for cudppPlan

Can you please tell me how can i ensure compatiblity? 

John Owens

Mar 15, 2014, 1:45:26 PM3/15/14
For thread safety, plans now (in CUDPP 2.0+) take an initial argument of the CUDPP library object.

// Initialize the CUDPP Library
CUDPPHandle theCudpp;

then pass theCUDPP as the first argument to your cudppPlan call.

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Ankit Sood

Mar 21, 2014, 3:27:13 AM3/21/14
Thanks for your help....those errors are gone...but now I face the following errors....

/tmp/tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-13_RecMST.o: In function `HPGMST()':
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2c88): undefined reference to `cudppCreate'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2d9e): undefined reference to `cudppPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2dd1): undefined reference to `cudppSegmentedScan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2de0): undefined reference to `cudppDestroyPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2f4a): undefined reference to `cudppPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2f73): undefined reference to `cudppScan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2f82): undefined reference to `cudppDestroyPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x33b9): undefined reference to `cudppPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x33e2): undefined reference to `cudppScan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x33f1): undefined reference to `cudppDestroyPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x3766): undefined reference to `cudppPlan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x378f): undefined reference to `cudppScan'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x379e): undefined reference to `cudppDestroyPlan'
/tmp/tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-13_RecMST.o: In function `main':
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x46da): undefined reference to `cutCreateTimer'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x471b): undefined reference to `cutStartTimer'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x4771): undefined reference to `cutStopTimer'
tmpxft_00003c58_00000000-1_RecMST.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x47b2): undefined reference to `cutGetTimerValue'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm using the follwing statement to complie:
nvcc -arch compute_20 -code sm_20 -I/home/ankit/Documents/cudpp-2.0/include -I/home/ankit/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/common/inc

I'm new at CUDA and also at linux....I'm using Redhat 6....Please help...the code was already avaliable...i'm trying to verify the there mustn't be any serious problem with the code...a bit of your time could be extremly helpful
the HPGMST() is:

void HPGMST()
    //Reinitialize the ranking arrays, must be orig but this also works
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_vertex_split_rank, h_vertex_split_rank_test, sizeof(unsigned long long int)*no_of_vertices, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_edge_rank, h_edge_rank_test, sizeof(unsigned long long int)*no_of_edges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
    //Make both grids needed for execution, no_of_vertices and no_of_edges length sizes
    int num_of_blocks, num_of_threads_per_block;
    SetGridThreadLen(no_of_edges, &num_of_blocks, &num_of_threads_per_block);
    dim3 grid_edgelen(num_of_blocks, 1, 1);
    dim3 threads_edgelen(num_of_threads_per_block, 1, 1);
    SetGridThreadLen(no_of_vertices, &num_of_blocks, &num_of_threads_per_block);
    dim3 grid_vertexlen(num_of_blocks, 1, 1);
    dim3 threads_vertexlen(num_of_threads_per_block, 1, 1);

        CUDPPHandle theCudpp;          //SELF MODIFIED, 1st argument in #247, #263, #305. #338
    //Append the Weight and Outgoing vertex into a single array, 8-10 bits for weight and 20-22 bits for vertex ID
    //Append in Parallel on the Device itself, call the append kernel
    AppendKernel_1<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_segmented_min_scan_input, d_weight, d_edge, no_of_edges);
    //Create the Flag needed for segmented min scan operation, similar operation will also be used at other places
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, no_of_edges );
    //Mark the segments for the segmented min scan using scan
    MakeFlag_3<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, d_vertex, no_of_vertices);
    //Perfom the Segmented Min Scan on resulting array using d_edge_flag as segments
    cudppPlan(theCudpp, &segmentedScanPlan_min, config_segmented_min, no_of_edges, 1, 0 ); //Make the segmented min scan plan
    cudppSegmentedScan(segmentedScanPlan_min, d_segmented_min_scan_output, d_segmented_min_scan_input, (const unsigned int*)d_edge_flag, no_of_edges);
    //Make the Sucessor Array
    MakeSucessorArray<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_successor, d_vertex, d_segmented_min_scan_output, no_of_vertices, no_of_edges);
    //Check and remove if cycles exist
    RemoveCycles<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_successor,no_of_vertices);
    //Scan the flag to get u at every edge, use the u to index d_vertex to get the last entry in each segment
    //U at every edge will also be useful later in the algorithm.
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, no_of_edges );
    MakeFlagForUIds<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_edge_flag, d_vertex,no_of_vertices);
    cudppPlan(theCudpp, &scanPlan_add, config_scan_add, no_of_edges , 1, 0);
    cudppScan(scanPlan_add, d_old_uIDs, d_edge_flag, no_of_edges);
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>((unsigned int*)d_pick_array, no_of_edges);
    //Fill the pick array using the above and the d_successor array
     MakePickArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_pick_array,d_successor,d_vertex,d_old_uIDs,no_of_vertices,no_of_edges);
    //Mark the Remaining Edges in the Output MST array. This not so elegant.
    //Because we do not know which edge index was selected by the segmented min scan,
    //we check each edge with the selected edges and write to output if same
    MarkOutputEdges<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_pick_array, d_segmented_min_scan_input, d_segmented_min_scan_output, d_output_MST,d_edge_mapping,no_of_edges);
    //Propagate Representative Vertex IDs to all vertices iteratively using pointer Doubling until no change occures in Successor Array
    bool succchange;
        succchange=false; //if no thread changes this value, the loop stops
        CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_succchange, &succchange, sizeof(bool), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
        //Reusing Vertex Flag
        SuccToCopy<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_successor, d_successor_copy, no_of_vertices);
        PropagateRepresentativeID<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_successor, d_successor_copy, d_succchange,no_of_vertices);
        CopyToSucc<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_successor, d_successor_copy, no_of_vertices);
        CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( &succchange, d_succchange, sizeof(bool), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
    //Split the vertex ids based on supervertex ids
    //Using 64 bit version of split
    //Append Vertex Ids with SuperVertexIDs and split based on supervertex IDs
    AppendVertexIDsForSplit<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_vertex_split, d_successor,no_of_vertices);
    sp.split(d_vertex_split, d_vertex_split_rank, d_vertex_split_scratchmem, d_vertex_rank_scratchmem, no_of_vertices, NO_OF_BITS_TO_SPLIT_ON, 0);
    //Make the flag for assigning new vertex IDs based on difference in SuperVertex IDs
    ClearArray<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>( d_vertex_flag, no_of_vertices);
    MakeFlagForScan<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_vertex_flag, d_vertex_split, no_of_vertices);
    //Scan the newly formed flag array to assign new ids to supervertices
    cudppPlan(theCudpp, &scanPlan_add, config_scan_add, no_of_vertices , 1, 0);
    cudppScan(scanPlan_add, d_new_supervertexIDs, d_vertex_flag, no_of_vertices);
    //Make the new supervertexids per vertex
    MakeSuperVertexIDPerVertex<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_new_supervertexIDs, d_vertex_split, d_vertex_flag, no_of_vertices);
    CopySuperVertexIDPerVertex<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>(d_new_supervertexIDs, d_vertex_flag, no_of_vertices);
    //Remove Self Edges from the edge-list
    CopyEdgeArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_edge,d_edge_mapping_copy, no_of_edges);
    RemoveSelfEdges<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_edge, d_old_uIDs, d_new_supervertexIDs, d_vertex_split_rank, d_edge_mapping_copy, no_of_edges);
    CopyEdgeArrayBack<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_edge,d_edge_mapping_copy, no_of_edges);
    //Now, Remove Duplicated Edges. This is not mandatory, however, reduces the edge-list size
    //significantly. You may choose to use it once in the initial iterations of the algorithm, later edge-list
    //size is small anyways so not much is gained by doing this in later iterations
    //Append u,v and weight per edge in a 64-bit value
    //Split the array using {u,v) as the key. Pick First distinct (u,v) entry as the edge, nullify others
    //You may also replace the split with sort, but we could not find a 64-bit sort.
    AppendForDuplicateEdgeRemoval<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_appended_uvw, d_edge, d_old_uIDs, d_weight,d_new_supervertexIDs, no_of_edges);
    sp.split(d_appended_uvw, d_edge_rank, d_edge_split_scratchmem, d_edge_rank_scratchmem, no_of_edges, NO_OF_BITS_TO_SPLIT_ON_UVW, 0);
    //Pick the first distinct (u,v) combination, mark these edges and compact
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, no_of_edges );
    unsigned int dsize=no_of_edges; //just make sure
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_size, &dsize, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
    MarkEdgesUV<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_edge_flag, d_appended_uvw, d_size, no_of_edges);
    //Scan the flag array to know where to write the value in new edge and weight lists
    cudppPlan(theCudpp, &scanPlan_add, config_scan_add, no_of_edges, 1, 0);
    cudppScan(scanPlan_add, d_old_uIDs, d_edge_flag, no_of_edges); //Just reusing the d_old_uIDs array for compating
    //Do all clearing in a single kernel, no need to call multiple times, OK for testing only
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>((unsigned int*)d_edge, no_of_edges );
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>((unsigned int*)d_weight, no_of_edges );
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_mapping_copy, no_of_edges);
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( (unsigned int*)d_pick_array, no_of_edges); //Reusing the Pick Array
    int negative=0;
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_edge_list_size, &negative, sizeof( int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_vertex_list_size, &negative, sizeof( int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
    //Compact the edge and weight lists
    //Make a new grid for valid entries in the d_edge_flag array
    unsigned int validsize=0;
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( &validsize, d_size, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
    SetGridThreadLen(validsize, &num_of_blocks, &num_of_threads_per_block);
    dim3 grid_validsizelen(num_of_blocks, 1, 1);
    dim3 threads_validsizelen(num_of_threads_per_block, 1, 1);
    //Reusing d_pick_array for storing the u ids
    CompactEdgeList<<< grid_validsizelen, threads_validsizelen, 0>>>(d_edge, d_weight, d_edge_mapping, d_edge_mapping_copy, d_old_uIDs, d_edge_flag, d_appended_uvw, d_pick_array, d_edge_rank, d_size, d_edge_list_size, d_vertex_list_size);
    CopyEdgeMap<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_edge_mapping, d_edge_mapping_copy,no_of_edges);
    //Make the vertex list
    //Mark flag for edge list, based on diffference of u ids
    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, no_of_edges);
    ClearArray<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>((unsigned int*)d_vertex, no_of_vertices);
    MakeFlagForVertexList<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_pick_array, d_edge_flag, no_of_edges);
    MakeVertexList<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_vertex, d_pick_array, d_edge_flag, no_of_edges);
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( &no_of_edges, d_edge_list_size, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( &no_of_vertices, d_vertex_list_size, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

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John Owens

Mar 21, 2014, 10:17:38 AM3/21/14
Looks like you need to link against the CUDPP library. That’s -L to specify the link location and -l to specify the name of the library. (nvcc --help has details.)


Ankit Sood

Mar 25, 2014, 3:49:35 AM3/25/14
thanks...that worked....but then I faced another error...i used the following command to compile:

 nvcc -arch compute_20 -code sm_20 -o mst1 -I/home/ankit/Documents/cudpp-2.0/include -I/home/ankit/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/common/inc -L/home/ankit/Documents/cudpp-2.0/apps/common/lib -lib

to compile....and then

to showed "permission denied" then i used the command
chmod u+x mst1

the permission was granted...but upon executing the file again..i recieved the following error:

./mst1: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
./mst1: line 1: `!<arch>'

Please help me...also, i didn't understand why does it deny me permission when all libraries and the code as well are in my user account? kindly help....

John Owens

Mar 25, 2014, 9:56:23 AM3/25/14
It appears that the executable you’ve built is not actually an executable. Look at the first few lines of “mst1” to figure it out.

The CUDPP mailing list is not a good resource for general “how do I compile stuff” questions. We’ll try to be as helpful as we can with questions that are about CUDPP, but we’re poorly suited to answer questions beyond that topic.

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