The Wolfpacks

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Dean POpe

Mar 31, 2024, 8:17:16 PMMar 31
Congratulations to Paul’s Wolfpacks, women and men. What a run! Paul, would you agree that reflecting the ABD theory, lots of folks in Chapel Hill were pulling for NC State?  Margo, I am afraid that I will be pulling for Iowa.


On Mar 28, 2024, at 8:32 AM, Paul Sisco <> wrote:

From Karen Spindler Wade’s brother;

I want to thank you for the outpouring of prayers for my brother-in-law, Don Wade, as he was transitioning from the mortal to the immortal this week. He made that final step into eternity at 3:00 p.m. yesterday (March 23) at the age of 81, following a long battle with diabetes. Please continue to pray for Karen, his wife of 60 years, and his family. When the obituary is available, I will post it. 

He and my oldest sister, Karen, began dating when she was in Jr. Hi, so some of my earliest preschool remembrances included Don. Following my tonsillectomy, he gave me a model car he had assembled. To my adult regret, I voiced my disapproval of the color scheme. However, he graciously repainted it. Model car building became a hobby that I pursued after that.

I also took up the guitar when he gave me his starter Silvertone guitar, following his purchase of a Gibson acoustic. Of course, having the opportunity to play his Gibson gave me the desire to own one, too. Any time the family got together, our two guitars came out of their cases, and Don would also vocally lead from the various genres of rock-n-roll, country, pop, and gospel. There, of course, was always great family harmony that embellished most of the tunes.

Don was an educator and coach, and I remember going to the football, basketball, and baseball games he coached. He was in his element as a coach and quite the competitor. However, the true success of a coach is not always in the win-loss record but in the character-building influence that is a more lasting and important record. Many men have lovingly and respectfully referred to Don as "Coach Wade" long after they had him in high school.

Karen and Don were married when I was in the second grade. His younger sister, Sarah, and I were probably the only third graders at Sherwood Elementary who could boast of having aunt and uncle statuses.  Added to the family beyond their first, Renee, were Michelle, Noelle, Coleen, and Donna. He adored his girls, was happy to have sons-in-law added to even out things, and was even happier to become "Big D" to all the grandkids and the beginning of the great-grandkid gig.

I grew up with four older sisters and when Don joined the family, I felt like I finally had a brother. While there was a big age difference, he included me in many activities. I remember some early Saturday mornings of accompanying him on his Commercial Appeal paper route; a combination of residential and the delivering to the wards of the old V.A. Hospital in Memphis. Afterward, we'd stop for some hot donuts at Thornton's Donuts (much like Krispy Kream). Don was a hard worker and instilled that into his daughters. However, he balanced his life with family, fun, and most importantly faith. I'm grateful that I will see my Brother, again.

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Paul Sisco

Mar 31, 2024, 9:31:26 PMMar 31
A friend who is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill was definitely rooting for the Pack. I was discouraged the first half, but it was a completely different game the second. As in 1983 when I watched the Cardiac Pack win game after game, I’m taking nothing for granted.

My niece Jennifer and cousin Tom Sledge are both Purdue graduates, so they’ll be our opposition for the next game. I have a good friend here who is a rabid UT-Knoxville fan, and it was sad to see his hopes dashed today. 

In the women’s bracket both Margo’s USC and my Wolfpack women won today. Eventually they’ll have to play each other.

Did you and Justin have a good time in Memphis?


Margo Macdonald

Apr 1, 2024, 10:35:20 PMApr 1
to Inc.
NC State is a tough team.  I am happy for you Dean.  Ms. Clark is a safe bet.  You are always conservative.  My team has one senior player.  The rest of the team is young and full of young promise but irrational and I am always surprised that they win.  They have come so far because they play as a team which extends to the bench.  I suggest that you not count UConn out.  Margo

Christina Winter

Apr 1, 2024, 10:35:20 PMApr 1
Hi Dean! Paul is not the only Wolfpacker on this thread! I am a very loyal alumnae and thrilled! Although I am happy to share the red glow with Paul and others! 

PS: my youngest granddaughter will be a freshman at NCSU this fall! 

Go Pack! 


Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 9.01.09 PM.png
Note: I am an ACC supporter when NCSU is bested. I would have pulled for Dook or UNC had either gone further than NCSU! 

Christina S. Winter, Ed.D. 

Christina Winter

Apr 2, 2024, 7:52:00 AMApr 2
Margo - our teams play Saturday @ 6! I am afraid I will be pulling for NCSU! 🐺 I will enjoy the game - and remember your analysis as I watch. Here’s to a great game!


Christina S. Winter, Ed.D. 

Dean Pope

Apr 4, 2024, 8:56:17 PMApr 4
Tina and Paul have much to proud of, especially in a conference long dominated by Duke and UNC.  I am impressed with Caitlin Clark’s shooting and passing but even more with how she has handled her celebrity and responded to all the young girls who idolize her. A class act.

Paul, our classmate Larry Lucchino has died.  You and I are among the few who remember him for basketball, part of the 1965 final four team,  He was also my law school classmate and a nice guy. He will always be remembered for calling George Steinbrenner’s Yankees the Evil Empire. 

I am more likely to watch the women’s final four this year than that for the boys.
Sent from my iPad

On Apr 2, 2024, at 7:52 AM, Christina Winter <> wrote:

Raymond Spence

Apr 4, 2024, 8:56:17 PMApr 4
to Cubs 63
I felt bad for LSU; Caitlin was too much. Wolf Pack is a good story. As is South Carolina.

I really don't have a dog in the hunt anymore; it's just fun to watch.


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