On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:04 PM, George Ioakimedes <
georg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks! Is there an actual plan to ever get hardware accelerated video
> decoding? It would be great to have CedarX drivers.
> On Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:13:11 PM UTC-7, Huang Benn wrote:
>> dear list,
>> A new a20-cubieboard lubuntu server/desktop firmwares is available now.
>> Download URL:
>> cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05-kernelsource.tar.gz
>> cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05.img.gz
>> cb-a20-lubuntu-server-13.06-v1.00.img.gz
>> changes:
>> 1. sata, microSD, wifi(8188eu, 8192cu), usb, gpio, pwm, HDMI, ir, audio,
>> ethernet have been tested
>> 2. desktop: enable mali/x11 support
>> 3. fix poweroff issue
>> 4. upgrade to newest linux-sunxi 3.4 kernel, with some minor changes for
>> cubieboard
>> 5. server: preinstall openssh-server, vim,
>> issues:
>> 1. video encoding/decoding, spi, 2D acceleration is not ready
>> also, I've successfully used gpio interrrupt, and usb otg(host/device),
>> but without carefully test. so use it as your own risk.